Monday, June 27, 2011

the past two weeks we've been journeying through a series called
'Hello, My Name is...________.' It has been a great examination of 1 Peter 2 and our identity in Christ.

A name says a lot. Have you ever called someone the wrong name? It's embarrassing because our names our so closely tied to our identities. how do you feel when someone calls you the wrong name? We may brush it off, but deep down we might feel a little offended. Why? Because names are personal.

Scripture gives several examples of God changing people's names after they had a life-altering encounter with Him. The same Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai, Sarah. Saul is miraculously transformed, and becomes known as Paul.

the same is true for us today. God changes names. No longer are we broken - outcast - failure - sinner...we are now whole - complete - saint - sons and daughters. That is our identity. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are new creations...not better versions of ourselves...we are NEW PEOPLE! That is mind-blowing.

These new names reflect our new identity in Him. The old has gone, and the new has come! So, how has God changed your name?

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