Monday, November 08, 2010

God is on the move...

Worship, small groups, people serving and giving of themselves....
God continues to move in big ways in and through the life of Emmanuel. It is such a joy to be on the journey!

Yesterday was just a perfect picture of how cool this place is...
Worship yesterday was rocking...not just the music...literally the presence of God was rocking us as we as a church encountered His truth, His love, His grace, and His power.

Small groups were rolling last night, digging into the Word. It was great to hear stories from people last night on the concourse (yes some of us were braving the cold) of how God is moving in their small groups. God is working in our kids and students as well.

Last night we also hosted 18 people at Starting Point. These are people inquiring about aligning with the life and fellowship of Emmanuel and joining is in our pursuit to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ. We always love sharing the Emmanuel story...not just because we love this place (and we do!)...but because we aren't the center of the story...Jesus Christ is. He is the reason for it all! We love how God is moving.

This Wednesday, is the due date for shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Check out the OCC website, video some videos, and find out how to pack a box. Let's serve the world by sharing the message and hope of the Savior!