Monday, October 10, 2011

It is incredible as a church leader to see people in your church follow their God-given passions and desires and seek to make a difference. One of our families in our church is so incredibly passionate about raising up a generation of young men to be Godly leaders and influencers. The Stapp family along with help from friends and family are producing a documentary based on Joe's creation of a 'Rite of Passage' for his sons. The footage has been shot and right now they are raising funds to have the film edited and produced. Check it out here...

Monday, October 03, 2011

If you missed this past Sunday's teaching, be sure and check it out @

"Don't trade the ultimate for the immediate."

As Christ-followers, we care called to live for a greater purpose than the immediate. Of course, the immediate, the right-now, is important...crucial. But, the truth is the ultimate should shape the right now.

The ultimate is this...Jesus Christ...His glory...His fame...His renown...His presence with us...

But sometimes, we just simply become short-sighted. We lose focus of that which is most beautiful, most worthy, and most satisfying.

Thankfully, our God is a God who pursues, loves, and offers grace. And when our eyes are fixed on Him, we begin to see the immediate, and all of its chaos and need, in light of the ultimate. Let us be a people who live in light of the ultimate...the glory of Jesus!