Tuesday, July 28, 2009

5 Things that are challenging me:

- I suffer from attention deficit disorder far too often! I pay attention to the wrong things; I don't pause before giving attention; I am not attentive to the things that I really want to be attentive toward. I want to be attentive to Christ....

- Jesus challenges me... When he speaks to me (found in Matt 6.22 - 23), he challenges me to give my attention to Him. When that happens my life will be filled with light. I want to leave no doubt of my love for Him. I want to seek Him... to know Him... to be known by Him.... and to have His light to be glaringly clear in me.

- My kids challenge me. I really can't fake this whole Christian deal... I simply cannot be a 'preacher guy' to my kids. They are really expecting me to love God alot. They need for me to be authentic. They love Him. My kids pursuit of Christ amazes me. They stun me with their astute thoughts about Christ and His Kingdom. Their are both simple and profound. The depth of thought leaves me longing to think well myself and that I might be a clear expression of Christ before them. Their love of Christ compels me. I like that alot.

- Not 'getting' things that happen on this planet challenges me. I miss Carrie. I don't understand Chuck's stroke.... Why is Andrea's kidney transplant rejecting (for heaven's sake, her husband donated it!)? I think that I will be challenged by things that don't make sense on earth as long as I live here. In the midst of dealing with friends who are hurting, I realize a few things.... God is good. I am not in heaven yet, so things that I don't get will happen. They remind me that I am not in heaven yet. And, as Chuck so aptly taught our kids, God has this beautiful way of taking things that are really bad and turning them into things that are really good for His glory (Kind of a kid version of Romans 8.28). I trust God. I don't always understand, but I trust His grace and goodness.

- My mom and dad are celebrating 50 years of marriage in a few weeks. You know, I am challenged by them. They love each other..... they love God.... they have made a massive Kingdom impact together..... and they constantly sharpen one another. Sus and I are 18 years into this marriage joy and I want to celebrate 50 years with her and I want to do that for God's great glory. I love my mom and dad and I am so so so grateful that they challenge me to live out this marriage covenant.

Life is challenging. That is not so bad. It is painful at times. But, challenge is good. I want to be challenged and I never want to stop growing and to stop becoming who God has for me. He wants the 'best me' and that is a process of transforming 'me' into the image of Christ. (Learning how to apply that previous sentence in my small group).

