Monday, May 23, 2011

There is so much good, God-sized stuff happening around this place...and not just around this place, but in our city...and in the nations.

God continues to bring new families to Emmanuel. We are humbled and grateful that people are walking into the story of Jesus...and aligning their lives with our mission to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ.

Several of our small groups are finding unique ways to serve Crestview this summer. Across the board we have had an incredible response in our vision and desire to take our normal Vacation Bible School held on campus out into the community. We anticipate God moving in big ways through this.

This Friday, a group from EBC leaves to head to Haiti. We have supported them in many ways, and we will continue to support them in our prayers as they go. They go armed with clothes that you all have given to support the kids at the learning center they will be working at through Heart of the Bride.

This coming Sunday, you are going to here from one of our high school students, Rebecca Philips, and her mom Diane, as they share how God has led them to travel to Zambia in a couple of weeks to work amongst orphans and children....what a beautiful picture of God at work. case you missed it: Friday June 10th...Daraja Children's Choir is here! Contact the EBC office @ 682-9416 for tickets. Tickets are free, but reservations are required. This one worship event just might change your life!!!

Friends, this is just the iceberg when it comes to how God is moving. To top off your day...check out the Daraja Promo video...

Live for His in His grace!