Monday, June 27, 2011

the past two weeks we've been journeying through a series called
'Hello, My Name is...________.' It has been a great examination of 1 Peter 2 and our identity in Christ.

A name says a lot. Have you ever called someone the wrong name? It's embarrassing because our names our so closely tied to our identities. how do you feel when someone calls you the wrong name? We may brush it off, but deep down we might feel a little offended. Why? Because names are personal.

Scripture gives several examples of God changing people's names after they had a life-altering encounter with Him. The same Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai, Sarah. Saul is miraculously transformed, and becomes known as Paul.

the same is true for us today. God changes names. No longer are we broken - outcast - failure - sinner...we are now whole - complete - saint - sons and daughters. That is our identity. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are new creations...not better versions of ourselves...we are NEW PEOPLE! That is mind-blowing.

These new names reflect our new identity in Him. The old has gone, and the new has come! So, how has God changed your name?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Yesterday was a sublime celebration of God's faithfulness as we worshiped Him greatly for what He has done in and through Emmanuel in the past 30 years. The truth is we will never know this side of eternity the eternal impact that the people of Emmanuel have had on this world. There are countless people who have come to saving faith in Christ. People here in Crestview and around the world have encountered the living God because of His people's desire to live passionately for His glory.

As we celebrate the past, we also look forward to the future. We anticipate what God has in store. We watch and wait expectantly with our eyes fixed on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, as He leads. Jesus didn't promise us that He would show the way. He boldly proclaimed: "I am the way." So with our eyes fixed, locked in on Him, we watch, we wait, we look, we walk step by step: hoping, trusting, abiding, and faithfully living our lives for the glory of the risen King.

This is the video we showed in worship the recaps the past and celebrates just a few of the incredible victories God has given.

30th Anniversary Video from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Haiti update!

Here is an update from Ryan Carter, part of the team of EBC folks serving this week in Haiti. Continue praying as they wrap their trip. Yesterday they distributed Bibles that were purchased with donations from EBC. Today they distributed food, and tomorrow they we be serving the boys and men there and showing Christ's love as they wash their feet. God has done, and is continuing to do some incredible things!

From Ryan:

What an amazing three days we’ve had!

We landed in Mole St. Nicolie on Sat afternoon and it has been non-stop action since then! We spent Sunday morning with the boys at the HumanCare school. We had church with them in the morning. Carl Anderson gave the sermon and did an amazing job – addressing how our faith in God not only helps us through difficult times but is also a witness to others who are watching. We spent several hours that afternoon playing sports with the boys and putting some primer on the walls inside the school. The boys weren’t sure what to make of us at first, but as soon as we broke out the Frisbees, footballs, and soccer balls, we connected quickly with them and really began to see the joy they all have.

Later that day we went to the orphanage in Mare Rouge to deliver the clothes many of you helped collects, sort, and pack. The kids were cautious of us at first, and very shy, so we left the clothes with the pastor to arrange and pass out. They finally started to show some excitement when we began to take their pictures. Many of them had probably never seen a picture of themselves and they cherished the opportunity to have their picture taken. I would like to say it was a joyful experience, but it was different; more somber. The need was overwhelming and we left feeling quite helpless despite our efforts. As I unpacked the clothes and shoes, many of which I recognized from my own children wearing them, the grief was literally overwhelming and I had to step away for several minutes to regain my composure. Many others felt the same way.

We spent today (Monday) with the boys at the school. We painted all day long, urging the young men to join us. They were so excited! The color is a wonderful addition to the concrete walls and all of the boys were covered in paint! We also moved a huge pile of blocks and started building the walls of the cookhouse. The Haitian carpenter didn’t show up, so we were on our own, and our guys rose the challenge and got it done. Thomas gave a short lesson on the importance of teamwork, especially as it relates to our walk with Christ, and then he and Jim led two sports clinics to teach the boys American Football. Later, they returned the favor by wearing us out with some Haitian Football (e.g. Soccer).

We are expecting several more days of painting, sports, teaching, and construction. The boys have really began to open up to us and we are all having a blast! We are staying with Edner and Rosena and they are taking excellent care of us. The food is so good that we may have even gained weight since we left, despite all the work!

We have experienced a ton of emotions and reactions to all we’ve seen and done. The poverty really is overwhelming. Even though some of us have seen it before, in Haiti it is even worse. In some places, there are no natural resources at all. The land is barren and even the rare farm animals are on the verge of starvation. We feel compelled to help and yet we don’t know where to start. Pray for us, and pray for the people in Haiti. We have done so much in such little time, but there is so much more to do!

Attached are two pictures. One of the boys painting at the school, and one of the children at the orphanage. We have many, many more to share when we get home.

God bless, Ryan

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

So much good is happening right now. It's insane. God is working.
We are seeing God change some people's lives. We are seeing people taking risks for Him. As Ian taught this past week...people are getting 'weird.' ...and that's a good thing!

Right now a team is on the ground in Haiti leading, teaching, loving, and serving a group of boys and men there. We are praying for great things.

Today our middle-schooler's return from Student Life Camp. We know of 4 that have surrendered their lives to Christ and trusted in Him as Savior! WOW!

Next week, we hit the streets and parks of our city in the name of Jesus taking VBS out in the community as we seek to build relationships and show people the love of Jesus.

This Saturday, a mom-daughter duo leave for Zambia to serve the world...and here is their story...

Untitled from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.

God is on the move...and we get join Him! It's a beautiful thing!