Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I love it when God brings us to a crossroads.... a crisis of belief! Moments like these are moments to step into the midst of God's invitation and live obediently toward His desires. Or, they could be moments to say, by our actions, I think that I'll do this deal called life my way. The essence of the series 'Given' might just be found in our desire to magnify Christ as we are confronted by His truth in regard to our lives. When our lives are not aligned with His truth, we are truly at an impasse. What we do with truth will, ultimately, define our character. Character is the ability to do what is right, as defined by God regardless the cost. Allowing God's definition of life.... 'right'... His living through you in order to to center your life might require minor or major adjustments. There could be adjustments in thought life or habits or usage of resources or handling relationships or work ethic.... or... well, everything!

I loved this e mail that I received last week. Enjoy one person's desire to do what is right as defined by God. JoSue, in a conversation with me, simply said that her deepest passion is to allow her to be a conduit for God's glory. As she prepared to live on mission daily, and more particularly in Stukeley, she desired to take a beautiful step of obedience into the waters of baptism. JoSue has been a Christ-follower for a long time. She's just never been baptized as a follower. So, we went for it!

The rest of the story is that JoSue and her life group gathered here last Wednesday. Also, several from the Stukeley Mission team were here. She shared of her amazing journey with God and what led her to that moment in time. It was a ripe moment! After a few tears were shed, we wandered up to the pool and JoSue was baptized. My favorite part... She came out of the water with fist in the air, pumping up and down for the glory of God. Cheers, shouts, and thrill flowed her way from friends watching and from the shouts of heaven. Beautiful! I thought that you might enjoy her note to me sharing a bit of the journey. So, with JoSue's permission, here's a peak into her heart.

Dear Team (Stukeley Mission Team),I love you guys and want to thank you for all your prayers. Gary and I got a good report from the cardiologist today...PRAISE GOD for answers that are right on time! And speaking of time I know we all have so much to do and so little time to do I will be brief. I have known many of you for years and thank God for all of you...I am looking forward to the times we will share in England ( and beyond), the many meals we will share and even the long flight and delays;) I don't want to take anytime away from you all with your families and friends so please don't feel sorry or pressure about Wed night. God has brought me to this place "a crisis of belief" through my personal relationship with Christ as my Lord and Savior and He has used many Philip's and Paul's along the way.....I accepted Christ when I was 13 and had been baptized at age 5 with my mom and siblings to join a church over 25 years later...having found the TRUTH and hearing God speak , I feel compelled like the Ethiopian after answering "I believe that Jesus is the Son of God' is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" (Acts 8: 36-37). So stop the ride in the midst of all that God has been preparing me for because I need to get out and step into the water....when I go under I will be leaving every hinderance behind (Timid will no longer be part of my vocabulary or Character)...and when I am raised up the old things are passed away I am NEW in Christ and FREE to dance, to sing, and to worship and allow God to accomplish His work through me...through all of us Trusting God no matter what, no matter where, no matter when...go ahead I know you feel like singing too:) Thank you for taking the time to read this and know my heart. I love you all and I am praying for all of you.

In Christ, Jo Sue

PS. Does anybody have a HERO T-shirt I can borrow for the trip or are there any left from VBS that I could purchase? I want to use it as a visual to show how special each boy and girl are to God and relevance of the Bible, real stories about bible heroes, and missionaries.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Given..... You know, I am baffled by comments that were made by Christ. Like in John, when He says that you and I will actually do even greater things than he achieved. Or, in Matthew, Luke, John, Acts when He invites us to declare His glory and to be His witnesses to every corner of the earth. Or, in His incredible stories (Fateful Tales), when he asks us to care for the needy, hungry, imprisoned, orphaned, widowed, homeless, and thirsty. Jesus actually thinks that we, as His followers, will make a difference in this world. He seems to think that we will make a huge difference.
The more that I read Scripture, the more that I realize that this actually is possible. He 'gives' us stuff, life, freedom, hope, salvation, and passion in order that we might actually give our lives away ('our' lives are actually His life!). Better, He actually knows that we will accomplish 'more' because He will take up residence in our lives. Jesus will exercise His life through us. Amazing!
If I can be a bit vulnerable, I just cannot fathom making a significant difference in this earth. I can't, until I realize that Christ formed me.... made me..... gifted me..... challenges me to develop all that He has given me...lives through me..... and then holds me accountable to what I do with all that I have been given. He holds me accountable because He lives in me!
As we venture through 'fateful tales' this year, I am amazed by what Jesus demands from us. Jesus has epic expectations from His followers. I think that He thinks that God's character and heart will actually explode in the life of His followers. As Jesus tells profound stories, I think that He is saying to us (Christ-followers), 'if you wonder if my Father lives in you, then you must ask whether your actions reflect His actions and His heart and His passion?!' You must evaluate. He will ask for an account of who we are and what we have done.
Matthew 25 is not a series of stories about working our way into Jesus' economy and grace. Matthew 25 is a series of stories that ask us whether we see the characte of God growing in our lives. Romans 8 writes of this intense plan of God's. He has actually predestined or predetermined that we will be conformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. I love the determination of our God! If His character is not increasing, then we probably need to wrestle with whether God actually lives in us.
I am praying that, as we fall deeply and radically in love with Jesus, the things that deeply move Him will also move us... together.... for His glory alone!
Drop a comment below. Enjoy today!
For the Glory,

Monday, July 16, 2007

Game Day Central was out of hand! It was incredible to enjoy the energy around this place this past week. I watched kids gain a better 'picture' of a heart for the nations.... a better understanding of this epic 'God-saga'..... a depth of friendship with one another. It was beautiful to see this place packed (440+) nightly. It was even more beautiful to know that heaven and earth celebrated as 40+ kids embraced Christ and birthed a relationship with Him. That's good! That's God!!

Ian and Jamie carried on the insanity with their amazing character sketches. Tammy, by an absolute miracle of God, actually brought some semblance of meaning to Jamie and Ian's drama! Hundreds of adults and students poured their lives and their time out for God's glory. It was a good week.

Maybe the best accolade for VBS was my 2 little ones on Friday night. They were anguished that we weren't heading out the door to VBS. They wanted MORE! Let's hope that several hundred kids want more and more of this amazing God that we elevated this past week.

So, we've enjoyed GameDay Central at EBC.... on mission in N.Dakota... on mission in Pine Isle.... next week, we'll send a team to England. This whole VBS thing is like the EverReady Bunny. It just keeps going and going and going......

Hey, let's also hope that they want less and less of their pastor attempting to dance : )!! Enjoy the YouTube video of the closing of VBS. Our staff team has some pretty good moves! You may see us on broadway in days to come.

For the Glory,