Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Heaven and Earth...

I was connecting dots last week. I think it was Journey 12 on our 40 Day Journey together. I was reading the great commission. Jesus said, All authority in heaven and earth has been given me. Then, Jesus felt free to give us a task that could probably encompass several lifetimes. He said, 'hey, why don't you live, move, and have your being in me and as you move baptize and make disciples of all nations. Yeah, every people group on this planet hears the grace message of the cross of Jesus Christ.' (Okay, that was a very loose paraphrase!) Honestly, who has time to waste... who has time to complain... who has time for self-absorption... who has time for petty stuff when the radical invitation of Christ is to GO to the ends of the earth for His fame. Who has time for any possiblity of spiritual lethargy when infused by all of the authority of heaven and earth living through her?

Connecting dots still, Paul says that it is Christ in you and that is your hope of glory. Christ - yeah, the one with all authority in heaven and on earth - that Christ lives in me. So, Jesus ends His thought about going to the ends of the earth with these words. 'I'll go with you!' I'll live through you. I will take up residence in you and I will empower you to actually live the impossible. I will ask you to do the impossible... I will invite you into a commission that you cannot possibly accomplish... I will lend you the authority of heaven and earth to pull out the impossible.... and I would love to be in the middle of this mix with you! Now, that’s a journey worth tapping into.

All power of heaven and earth has taken up residence in you! All power of heaven and earth goes where you go!!! How could we not abandon ourselves in worship? How could we not ask God for the impossible, knowing that the impossible lives in us? How could we not long for His fame to rise up to the nations and expect Him to use us to increase that fame? How could we not believe that He wants to work beyond our imagination?

I don't know about you, but I want in on that Journey! I want to live with a bunch of people who believe that Jesus is radical... who believe that He holds all authority.... and who actually allow Him ample room to move in us and to move us into realms we cannot fathom. That's a journey worth taking.

Have an insane day for the glory of God. Feel free to post a thought by clicking on comment below.

For the Glory,

Monday, January 22, 2007

Edge of Insanity
Jesus actually has the audacity to illuminate a bit of what the Kingdom of God might look like and ask those in the Kingdom to adjust our lives to live as big as our God. As I read God's Word, I find a history of people who were driven out of their minds for God (I love Paul, as he writes, 'if I am sane in this moment it must be for you.... most of my life is lived with insane passion for and advance of the person of Jesus Christ!') God will actually call His followers to believe things we cannot see, become someone that we are not, accomplish feats far beyond our own capacity.... and then hold us accountable. To put this Kingdom deal 'into practice' is to actually become who we could not be without the One who created us and is shaping us into His image.

The bible is filled with those who lived on the edge of insanity. Noah, never having seen rain, felt free to build a massive boat to preserve mankind; Elijah called down the presence and person of God to an altar that he had repaired.... never having done it before. God fell; David would have been wise to leave the giant alone; Hosea should never have married a prostitute; and what in heaven's name was Moses thinking as he lifted a glorified stick over a sea.... Their actions, and hundreds like them, were ludicrous and irrational if God is removed from the equation!

That's why Jesus says to follow Him... to love Him... to know Him... to know His Word... and to move when He moves. God's Word opens the doors to God's life - an unexplainable life. The living, active, passionate Word invites us to go out and live among people demonstrating the magnitude of Who God is.

Let's know Him... Move Forward In Him.... find satisfaction from Him... and crave for more of Him. As Augustine wrote, 'You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find satisfaction and rest in You.'

Speaking of satisfaction and rest, we are on a 40 Day Journey of rest. Rest = allowing our lives to be defined by God and allowing God to guide the trajectory of this fellowship. Rest = recognizing that God will lead this body on an incredible journey... that we are His body and that we are preparing to build shelter to house the thousands who long to discover this journey 'home' in Him. Rest = Christ... His load is easy and burden light. Rest = active - knowing Him and moving with consummate passion after Him and for Him. I can gain 'traction' in a 'God-only' life as I love the Word and allow the Word to breathe life into me.

I love you guys. I love what God is doing in this place. I love being in the middle of His life! Enjoy this week. Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comment below.

For the Glory,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

There was a moment, this weekend, that was just beautiful! At the 10:30 Encounter, we waited with expectancy to worship as a collective. Ian launched the encounter by sharing a bit about Elemental Weekend (a student intensive weekend in which they pursued a love for God - heart, soul, mind, & strength). As Ian talked, 150 students & leaders encircled us. They lined the sidewall... the middle... across the front.... and there were many in the foyer leaning into our worship encounter. The Grace Campus Ministry (Auburn U) played the song Marvelous Light and the place was just electric with the presence of and the hope we share in Christ. To stand in the front of the room and watch generations worship together... to watch our students pour out a weekend of passion in the middle of that room.... to recognize that we were sitting in the middle of a 'spiritual marker'..... it was just a remarkable moment!

So, the students leave the room (150+ students, leaders, hosts/co-hosts leaving is a HUGE void of energy!!). I am thinking to myself, 'self, where do we go from here?' The moment that we just shared was pretty intense and here we all with all of us 'old people'. God smiled. Then, He answered and He took all of us on a journey. As we ventured through our worship and landed in a moment singing (shouting with our hearts... releasing deep passion) "Hallelujah, Our God Reigns!", I felt like God smiled, waved at us, and said "Here I AM in Spirit and in Power!" It was a moment to remember. It was an encounter with the living God that was ripe with His presence and His desire to deepen us in Him. I can gain 'Traction' in moments like that! God is good... so good to share a tangible, powerful expression of His presence.

Our current conversation is about traction. It's about gaining our first foothold as being in a love relationship with Jesus Christ. That is the starting point. Beyond that, we build our lives on His words... His truth.... and we will constantly transform into His image. Traction = strong foundation on the journey after Christ.

It's a significant week. We will delve a bit more deeply into Luke 6 and a a life built upon solid foundation. The Emmanuel family has launched a 40 Day Journey that holds long-term hope through the life of Emmanuel. We are still reveling in the repercussions of D-Now weekend. And, on a personal note, Susan and I will be burying her father. This truly is a journey.... and the trajectory leads 'home' - in Christ, by Christ, for Christ, and ultimately, to Christ.

Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comments. I love you guys!

For the Glory,

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Letter

To sit and soak in the Scripture this weekend was rich. As Heather read, I realized the profound nature of Philippians and the gravity that the study of this book had in the life of Emmanuel. Our lives have been changed. The things that I value have changed. My hunger to be consumed for that which is ultimate has amplified. Reading the letter, as a whole, was a fresh means to close this chapter in the life of Emmanuel.

As Heather was reading, several quips leapt off the page through me.... thoughts like living a life that Jesus will be proud of.....making Jesus attractive to all....because of Paul's life and example most of the Christians here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith....live in such a way that I am a credit to the gospel....There's suffering for Him. The suffering is as much a gift as the trusting..... God's energy is at work deep within me...I've dumped all else in the trash compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ.....There's far more to life for us.....Celebrate God every day.. revel in Him!... let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers.... Put into practive what you've learned....

Each of these thoughts, and a hundred more like them, were launching pads of reflection for me. It was fresh to marinate in His Word and to ask God to bring His Word alive in me... in this body called Emmanuel from the inside out. I really do want to release all passion toward Him and revel deeply in Him as I recognize that He longs for me... for each of us to receive and experience the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, deep, deep within ourselves.

It's true! Very true!!

Bring on 2007.... Fateful Tales..... and an ever-increasing passion to gain traction in all things that advance the Kingdom of God. May we gain ultimate traction in securing a deep, abiding foundation in Jesus Christ. Yes!

Feel free to comment below. I love you guys.

For the Glory,

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It's 2007! 'Resolve' is birthed with the new year. I am asking God that Emmanuel is resolved to know Him. I am asking God that we are resolved to live, move, and have our being in Him. I am asking God that we are resolved that He carry us on adventure beyond our wildest imaginations. I am asking God that we are resolved to actually believe that He will use us to change the scope of history and to release His character in this earth. May we resolve to live with alarm for the glory of God and with resolve for His fame. Jesus Christ is the famous One in our fellowship and it is our passion that His name is ignited across the globe.... beginning in our hometown. Yeah! It's a great New Year!

This year is a year of Fateful Tales.... Fateful = adj. having momentous significance or consequences; decisively important. Over the next year, we will explore a 'fateful tale' of Christ each month. Jesus told amazing stories (parables) that unveiled the Kingdom of God. As Christ said, his fateful tales will 'create readiness and nudge each of us toward receptive insight.' 2007 will be a year of momentous significance as we open God's Word and we study His fateful, decisive, momentous tales. Our lives will be changed and we will take on a bit more of the character of Christ.
This really could be a sweet year! Welcome to "New". It's all about Him. All that we have is from Him. All that we do is for Him. Glory. Honor. Renown.
Speaking of renown, our students fasted through the day Sunday... then providing much in the area of medical needs for Niger, W. Africa along with hundreds of dollars. Ridiculous!
I love you guys. Feel free to add your passion for 2007 by clicking comment. Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking comment.