Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday was amazing..... Two massive chapters were written into the epic work of God in and through the life of emmanuel.

Justin & Christy are joining with the emmanuel family in our consuming desire of making Christ famous! Justin will lead the charge in the area of worship and global mission. I love their family.... I love God's timing... I love that Justin loves the grandeur of God. Sunday was good!

Chapter Two.... We dedicated a place. We dedicated 4 years of dreams and work. We dedicated space on our campus so that people can discover the wonder and awe of our God. It was so good to honor the 4 legendary men (Jerry, Ryan, Kevin, Dan), who have given thousands of hours toward the building of our preschool area; student room; and the amazing relational space. It was a good day!

God is writing a fresh story at emmanuel. He loves His church. I am praying that we will continue to know Him; trust Him; treasure Him and shine Him. Justin's challenge was right on. I simply cannot shine Him, if I don't know Him!

Enjoy this week. Family Production on Sunday!!

By Grace..... For Glory,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Closed out the 'Flipt' series in Isaiah 6 yesterday. Sunday was amazing. Two thoughts have been parked in my conversation with God over the last 24 hours. Isaiah says, "I saw the Lord seated on his throne....." When I see God & He is on the throne, then no rival thrones survive in my life. His throne is the only throne. He is the only One on the throne. I have had good and challenging conversations with God about that truth. I want to 'see the Lord and to see Him exalted on His throne in my life.'
The second thing that challenged me was the beauty of God putting me back together in His glorious rescue mission. His cross... His blood... His wholeness is given to me by His grace. That is radical. As I was talking yesterday, it struck me that many followers of Christ like the 'rescue' and salvation in Christ, but we want to approach it without the other characteristics of an encounter with God. To experience His rescue, I must be marked by Him... stunned by Him.... ruined/undone/ shattered by Him.... THEN, I am prepared for His rescue. Then, I am prepared to be purposed by Him! I want to be ruined for nothing but Christ. He satisfies.

This journey of faith is radical and it launches in a self-crucifixion and a God-resurrection of my life. (Gal 2.20) I cannot imagine anything more lively than testifying of God's ridiculous grace. (Acts 20.24) May we lose ourselves in Him and in Him find our real self. Yeah.
By Grace.... For Glory,

Thursday, August 06, 2009

My capacity to live a flipt life can be summarized in a few words by Paul found in Philippians 3...

But, whatever was to my profit, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ..... I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings..... I press on toward that prize; (the prize of knowing Christ by experience and with passion)

I want to know Christ.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

5 Things that are challenging me:

- I suffer from attention deficit disorder far too often! I pay attention to the wrong things; I don't pause before giving attention; I am not attentive to the things that I really want to be attentive toward. I want to be attentive to Christ....

- Jesus challenges me... When he speaks to me (found in Matt 6.22 - 23), he challenges me to give my attention to Him. When that happens my life will be filled with light. I want to leave no doubt of my love for Him. I want to seek Him... to know Him... to be known by Him.... and to have His light to be glaringly clear in me.

- My kids challenge me. I really can't fake this whole Christian deal... I simply cannot be a 'preacher guy' to my kids. They are really expecting me to love God alot. They need for me to be authentic. They love Him. My kids pursuit of Christ amazes me. They stun me with their astute thoughts about Christ and His Kingdom. Their are both simple and profound. The depth of thought leaves me longing to think well myself and that I might be a clear expression of Christ before them. Their love of Christ compels me. I like that alot.

- Not 'getting' things that happen on this planet challenges me. I miss Carrie. I don't understand Chuck's stroke.... Why is Andrea's kidney transplant rejecting (for heaven's sake, her husband donated it!)? I think that I will be challenged by things that don't make sense on earth as long as I live here. In the midst of dealing with friends who are hurting, I realize a few things.... God is good. I am not in heaven yet, so things that I don't get will happen. They remind me that I am not in heaven yet. And, as Chuck so aptly taught our kids, God has this beautiful way of taking things that are really bad and turning them into things that are really good for His glory (Kind of a kid version of Romans 8.28). I trust God. I don't always understand, but I trust His grace and goodness.

- My mom and dad are celebrating 50 years of marriage in a few weeks. You know, I am challenged by them. They love each other..... they love God.... they have made a massive Kingdom impact together..... and they constantly sharpen one another. Sus and I are 18 years into this marriage joy and I want to celebrate 50 years with her and I want to do that for God's great glory. I love my mom and dad and I am so so so grateful that they challenge me to live out this marriage covenant.

Life is challenging. That is not so bad. It is painful at times. But, challenge is good. I want to be challenged and I never want to stop growing and to stop becoming who God has for me. He wants the 'best me' and that is a process of transforming 'me' into the image of Christ. (Learning how to apply that previous sentence in my small group).



Sunday, June 14, 2009

40 Days
- 40 Days to seek the face of G0d
- 40 Days of fasting as God prompts
(food/ sleep/ a meal/ TV/ computer/ ... yeah, anything that might free you to pray and to seek God's face)
- 40 Day to read the book of Colossians... Read the letter once a day for 40 Days
- 40 Days to pray!
- 40 Days to unite as a church!
- A great starting point might simply be to read Colossians 4.12 and to ask God how He might ask you to 'wrestle' in prayer for Emmanuel..... for the glory of God.

What could happen if we pray? Devote yourself to prayer!! (Col 4.2)

Week Six 7.20.09 - 7.24.09
- 40 Days is moving toward closure.... We have experienced 40 Days of seeking God.... 40 Days of feasting on His Word... 40 Days of a Flipt life and 40 Days of God choosing, by His grace, to use Emmanuel to flip lives.
- During this 40 Days, we have shared in a journey to camp with our students; two missional opportunities to Daytona and PSJ; Vacation Bible School; the launch of summer ministries that are truly changing the face of marriages; parenting; and our own personal journey in Christ.
- During this 40 Days, we have not solely asked God to bless the stuff that we are doing, but we have asked Him for more of Him... more of His truth... more of His life....His grace and goodness and faithfulness. He is good.
- God has revealed Himself. He has revealed Himself personally and He continues to unveil His flipt plan for our lives, both individually and as a church.
- As God leads us toward the end of a 40 Day journey, we have the privilege of praying for kids who will head to Flipt Camp... over 90 kids and leaders (2 - 5th grade), will be on venture to cam next week. Invite God to be Himself and to do, in their lives, audacious things. Ask our God to draw them toward Himself and His purposes and His ways.
- In Him (Christ), we live, move, and have our being.....

Week Five 7.13.09 7.19.09
- The Word is Alive. Life, based upon truth and conviction, is not easily swayed. I am asking God to build our lives and the life of emmanuel on the core conviction of His truth and His way. I am praying that the 'Word of Christ finds deep dwelling among us' and that we challenge one another and encourage one another and press one another more deeply in Him. May the Word of Christ dwell richly among you and among us this week.
- A team ventures to Daytona this week. They will prepare a beautiful wing to minister to children, THEN a second team will actually love the kids that God sends in a VBS. What an incredible week and what an opportunity God has given us.
- How are you 'fasting'? How are you making space for God to be Himself to you? How is He inviting you to know more of Him? To trust Him? To Love Him? To Be in Him? Seek first the Kingdom of God......

Week Four 7.06.09 – 7.12.09
- Park and think about Colossians 1.24 – 29… God is inviting you to treasure Him. He is inviting you to treasure His goodness and His grace and His life in you. He is inviting you to love Him and through that love, to love those around you. Verses 28 – 29 will compel you to fast. God is challenging us to present those in our sphere of influence as perfectly mature in Him. We must deeply love Him and allow that love to pour out and to disciple those around us. What a magnanimous joy. What a challenging privilege.
- How is God asking you to pour Him onto those around you?
- This week, our fellowship will be on adventure to Port St Joe. We will lead a family impacting week. We will teach children of the boundless love of God. Pray for our family that will be on venture.
- Pray… Seek.. Fast… Expect… Enjoy!

Week Three 6.29.09 - 7.05.09
- This is a week to celebrate freedom. It was for freedom that Christ has set us free! Colossians 1.13 – 14 are amazing verses of freedom. Let freedom in Christ and from Christ and for Christ ring in your life!
- This week, our family of faith launched Fantastic World (Kids); Primal (Students); Flipt Summer Studies (Adults)… it promises to be an amazing summer for our families. Fast and pray for God to move in Spirit and in Power in and through the life of our fellowship.
- What will happen when a church prays?
- We will discover more and more of the goodness of God
- We will see our students return from camp with their lives flipped completely
- We will experiences hundreds of kids at VBS (493 to be exact); dozens rescued into the story of God; and a thousand dollars or more given to provide VBS for another church (Daytona)
- We will share story after story after story of the beauty and wonder of Christ!

Week Two 6.22.09 - 6.28.09
- a beautiful week ahead. VBS launched last night and it remains one of my favorite weeks of the year! Pray for God to DEEPLY impact the lives of many families....
- I love the theme..."It all comes back to Jesus"... After reading the Letter to Colossians daily, stop and think about Colossians 1.15 - 20... Christ supreme. Christ Beautiful. Christ amazing. Pray that Christ will not only be the head of this church, but that He will guide us into every thing that He has for us and that we will move with Him.
- I love that thought from yesterday. Worship is life. Everything. May your life be an ongoing, never-ending, amazed and beautiful act of worship! May our worship of God leave this city and the nations glad and rejoicing in the goodness of the One who overwhelms us.
- Pray... Fast...Seek... Expect

Week One 6.15.09 - 6.21.09
- An amazing week ahead..... Colossians 4.12 could be an amazing verse to pray. Invite God to teach you to pray and to be a person who stands in the gap for this church.
- Students are at camp.... If you would like a list to pray over, hit comment below and leave your e mail addy. Pray for the 90 students/ leaders at SLC!
- Boomerang Express is gearing up next week.... Ask God to pour out His life into the lives of our kids and workers in the days to come.
- As you pray this week, pause and consider the wonder of Colossians 1.15 - 17. All things are held together in Christ... He is supreme... He is enough... Is your life given 'for' Him?

What excites you about 'wrestling' in prayer with the entire emmanuel family? Hit comment and share....

Pray... Expect....Hope....Be

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A friend, this week, shared a great summary to the verse Colossians 4.12. She said, 'that verse has messed me up.' With the joy of a 'mess us up' verse, we have discovered a solid plural name for Epaphras. Ready?!?! Here you go.... Epaphrites. Yep, doesn't really ring my joy bell either, but what an incredible thing to aspire toward.

Can you imagine a whole slew of people who wrestled with God on behalf of each other? I mean, it would be spiritually remarkable for a church... a movement of people who are giving great chase to God, to pray and to wrestle and to ask God to grow us into maturity and that we would be fully assured and that we will stand firm in and for the glory of God. Epaphras wrestled with God for his friends at the Church at Colosse.

Honestly, my imagination runs wild as I think about the people in that church. They kept having amazing things happen among them... you know, people being rescued into the story of God; families putting the pieces back together; people selling their stuff so that other people could have stuff; parents committing to train their kids in what it might look like to follow Christ. Things like that and so much more was happening and the people of the church were just in awe of God. They had to be asking, 'how does this stuff keep happening? How does all of this God-stuff keep springing up around us???' Yeah, Epaphras wrestled with God on behalf of the church, that they would be mature and assured and that they would stand firm in the Lord.

So, I'm hoping that our church might just be made up of a bunch of Epaphrites. That could be wildly fun..... God-sized... people in Crestview might just look at us and like what they see. So, who are you praying for? Who is praying for you? When is the last time that you wrestled with God in behalf of another? Let's go for it!

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, June 01, 2009

Incredible day around Emmanuel yesterday. We did the Nole chop and chant, which made a portion of the room happy and left the rest of us a bit nauseated. But, we also talked about what it might look like to live for the name of God. Colossians 3.17 was our launching pad for thought and it was fresh to consider what it might mean for us to truly live out and flesh out the name or the essence of God Himself in our everyday encounters.

Honestly, I was really challenged by I Samuel 3.19.... I mean, what a verse to latch onto and what a risky verse to pray for yourself. To actually say to God, I don't want a single action or deed or word that you have for me to fall to the ground. Honestly, if we were to ask God to so posture our lives so that there was not a single action... not one task that He has for us... not a Word that He is speaking to us that might fall to the ground, we could live in the midst of a revolution of the Spirit and the Presence of God. I have no doubt that God would enjoy dwelling in an environment like that and He would give us His 'face'... His presence.. His glory. I want to live for the glory of God and I really want to share that zeal for His glory with a whole bunch of people!

Speaking of living for the glory, we collected a ton of money yesterday in order to prepare a nursery area and to prep a kids area in Daytona Beach. Via a single plea, we gave over $1100 AND a crib and we also have more than a dozen who will pile in and head toward Daytona in July. I think that we were the church yesterday.... we met and worshiped and talked about hundreds of lives that will be impacted in Crestview through this summer AND we met a critical need in another part of the world with immediacy. Amazing! I love sharing life in this environment and watching God move among us. Details are coming about the trip in July. Tentative dates are to leave on Friday July 17. Work the evening of the 17th; Saturday work; afternoon of the 18th; wrap up work on the 19th (Monday) and head back to the 'View. Changing the world.... Gotta love it.

Enjoy a remarkable week and give great chase toward the 'face of God'. Play for Glory.

By Grace... For Glory,


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

a quote by Chan has been messing with me this week. I am asking God what a group that enjoys Christ dwelling among them might look like. (Col 3.16) Chan writes (and I paraphrase), it's not that America is rejecting Jesus Christ, necessarily. Perhaps its just that they haven't seen Him. Instead, they have simply seen a very poor knock-off version of what a Christ-follower might be. We live in a time when the term "Christian" has been so diluted that millions of immoral but nice people genuinely consider themselves "good Christians." We have reduced the idea of a good Christian to someone who believes in Jesus, loves his or her family, and attends church regularly.

I am so begging God that people see a radical, impassioned, zealously in love with Jesus bunch of people who love God deeply..... love those around them wildly.... and, as Acts 2 reads in the message, 'people in general will like what they see' in the body of Christ.

Chan's thoughts are wrecking me. I love the church. May the church be consumed by the goodness of Christ and may His beauty, wonder, and grace dwell among us. May we never shrink back from all-encompassing call of the gospel.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, May 18, 2009

I learn so much from my kids. My kids amaze me. A simple sentence that they brought home from worship a few years ago has left me challenged. Help me not to be okay simply because everything is okay with me. That seems to flow from the heart of God. Everything was okay within the trinity (God the Father, Son, and Spirit), but everything was not okay with us. His relentless love left him 'not okay' and compelled action from the heart of God. May we be 'not okay' and may our 'not okay' leave me and leave us under compulsion......


Monday, May 11, 2009

I love the Word. The Bible is alive and it gives great chase to me. God uses the Word to challenge me and to compel me and to lead me and to change my view of life. I love reading a section of Scripture and having the Holy Spirit flower a truth that I have seen hundreds of times, yet never actually seen.

I was reading Acts 2.42 and the Scripture reads that 'they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to breaking bread, prayer and fellowship.....' I have read Acts 2.42 - 47 so many times that I can't count. I tend to run toward the amazing things that God was doing among them. You know, the whole 3000 people saved or the selling of stuff or the daily gatherings in order to celebrate Christ or the awe that they seemed to generate by those around them or the constant remembrance of Jesus Christ via communion.... There was so much that was God-sized and ridiculous among them. So, how did this happen? Really, how, for heaven's sake, did all of this amazing stuff happening among them?

The simple answer that I discovered was profound. "They devoted themselves...." "They" were the 3000 new believers, who devoted themselves to one another.... to a passion for the Word... to a longing to serve those around them. They didn't ask someone else to feed them or to nurture them or to mature them. They were a wildly devoted group of Christ-followers. It seems that the Spirit of God in the life of the believer compelled them to be devoted. No excuses.... no weak pursuit... just a radical passion for God and an unimpeded devotion to know Him.

I would love for the people of Crestview to say, 'hey, that bunch of Christ-followers at Emmanuel are devoted... they are devoted to God in radical ways and they are devoted to each other.' God might just do amazing things among us that could be explained only by Him. That would be fresh!

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, May 04, 2009

It has been a week.....

- a week of experiencing the death and burial of a friend, who in his death became a national hero
- honestly, there were so many things that were done 'right' in the middle of a situation that was so wrong......
- the OCSO and their support for the Lopez family was remarkable!
- the honor poured out for Burt's life from people across this nation leaves me with a loss for words
- perhaps one of the most 'honoring' moments of my life was to turn left on 85 out of Central BC and to see the streets lined all the way through Crestview and into Niceville with people who bestowed honor and respect for the life (and death) of Burt Lopez. From salutes to hands over hearts to homemade signs to American Flags to beautiful children stopping their ballgame to stand beside the road... it was simply remarkable. As I turned left on 20 in Niceville, I was overwhelmed by the previous 16 miles driven and I was thanking God for what the family was experiencing in the bus behind me. At that moment, God allowed me an incredible glimpse of heaven. Can you possibly fathom the utter joy of walking into heaven?!?! Can you imagine the sheer joy of walking into millions upon millions who stand before the living Christ AND who will welcome us into this wildly glorious fest around the throne of the King. I can truly only imagine......

- this week, our family ministry team ventured to the ATL and they spent three days thinking about how to most deeply and most vibrantly impact families. The outflow of the three days will be felt for years to come! What an amazing time to consider the impact of the life of the church and the life of the family and the synergizing of the two. The potential is abounding.

- Yesterday, as we gathered to worship I was so looking forward to 'sanctuary'. I needed to sing.... to worship.... and to simply be with the body of Christ. One word, from Colossians 3.11, really leaves me challenged. "HERE".... as in, here in the middle of the body of Christ I will find hope and peace and unity and joy and diversity and a thousand other gifts given by God. Here, Christ is all and He is in all. I love to find myself 'here' in the middle of a community of Christ-seekers.

Christ is all. Here, Christ is in all. I am praying that it is evident that He lives among us!

By Grace... For Glory,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One moment... one phone call.... things change and the earth tilts and life will not be the same. Two officers in our community gave their lives in a tragic manner, yet as heroes. One of those officers, Burt Lopez, was a friend and a neighbor and a part of Emmanuel and a buddy who watched our daughters 'perform' many a musical and dance. He was a great man.... greatness defined through His love for His wife and His family and His work and, ultimately, His God. The last couple of days have been surreal and they will continue to be as our neighborhood, his co-workers, our church, and His family wrestles with Burt not walking this planet with us. In a couple of days, we will lay Burt's body to rest. It will be an incredible celebration of a life well-lived. It will be a painful time to say 'goodbye' and to mourn. It will be a prolific time to thank God for God and to thank Him for immersing Burt and immersing us in Christ.

I have had a simple thought, as I have walked through the last couple of days. My life could change in a moment. As I listen to story after story about Burt, I hear of a man who loved his kids exceptionally well.... who loved his wife exceptionally well... who valued and cared deeply for his friends.... and who loved us (all of us in Ok. County) so well that he would lay down his life for us. I am thankful to call him a friend. Perhaps the legacy that I am realizing that Burt leaves me is the challenge to live well. It is to consistently do the small things every day in order that those consistent steps of love and respect accrue and accrue and that I will have lived a life that leaves behind a tremendous legacy in the most important things. I have this consuming desire to glory in and to glorify God in very real, express, and tangible ways on this day.

So, today I am asking God to give me exceptional love for those around me...... to give me a disdain for mediocrity..... to give my life as a sacrifice for others.... and to love God and to love those around me with a love that surpasses understanding. That will bring honor to Burt's life and to his death. That will bring honor to Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Because I am made alive with Christ, I will....

Because I am chosen by God, I will.....

Because I am adopted by God, I will....

Because I am complete in Christ, I will.....

Because I am hidden in Christ in God, I will.....

Because I am seated in heaven, I will.....

Yeah, I could list and list and list and list and list and list the amazing truths of who we are in Christ.... who I am in Christ. Colossians 3 leaves me deeply challenged to 'set' my heart and my mind on who I am in Christ. I love the truth that to 'set' means to take possession of who I already am in Him and what is already mine. When I am possessed by Christ and His grace abounds to me, I actually think that it will change everything about my day... my thoughts... my relationships.... my passions.... I will be being transformed. God is so gracious. His grace is wildly sufficient. I love His grace. I love Christ. I love sharing this Christ journey together.

Enjoy this week.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter was so amazing. Friday night, it was beautiful to watch families gather around the cross and to give pause to the amazing work of the cross of Christ. As I was talking with my kids about what we gain through the cross and preparing to share in communion, I listened to other families nail their writings of the joy found in the cross to the cross. The moment is indescribable and incredibly meaningful.

Easter Sunday was so beautiful. We sang songs... read Scripture... were reminded of who we are in Christ..... wore a suit and tie (NOT!)... and celebrated Christ alive. I love being a part of a fellowship that is authentic, thankful, and who revel in the grace of God. His grace is amazing.

Funny, but I woke up this morning and celebrated the resurrected Christ again today. I am thinking that I will do that again tomorrow. I am grateful that I will worship Him for eternity. Christ is life. I am alive because of Him! I share in that life with an amazing group of Christ-followers called the 'church'. That is good!

Happy Easter!!

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, April 06, 2009

Loving a couple of thoughts.... my life is hidden with Christ in God. I am in Christ and Christ is in me and we are in God. I am feeling pretty secure as my life is parked in that consummate God-fest.

I am loving this amazing writer named Paul. As I was reading Colossians 3 aloud yesterday, I was pretty blown-up by the prolific truth that He is speaking to us. We should actually read and think about this stuff.....alot.

I got to hang out with a small group last evening. They were amazing. I also ate some good bar-b-que with them. Yep, that was good. The fresh part of the evening was sitting with a couple that they are adopting who are headed toward Hondura's on mission. They are planning to take their 3 beautiful daughters and move to a different nation and to invest in amplifying the name of Christ in that nation. What is even more amazing is that they consider that to be 'rich' in the Kingdom economy. I want to count all loss, yet for the abounding greatness of knowing Christ and making Him known.

Last week, I traded e mails with my friend Justin, who is in Africa. He has been there for a few months and He is applying to be there for a few years. He considers that gain! Yeah!

Sus (my wife) said something to me last night that I've been thinking about all day. It went something like this..."I think that we will be amazed, at the end of life, how valuable Kingdom stuff will be and how invaluable much of what lure's us will be." I want to invest well. I really do.

Seeking first the Kingdom and trusting God with all the rest.

By Grace.... For Glory,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Five Insights from Yesterday:

- Was it just me, or did we invite the 'soggy bottom boys' to worship yesterday.... I loved the 'soggy' version of I'll Fly Away.... it was fun, different, and had a nice bit of 'twang'.

- I wonder how many times, in life, I can run head first into a tree and awaken asking "who am I? where am I? and how did I get here?" I really don't want to keep running down wrong paths and directly into trees and totally acting NOT like who I am.

- It was a challenge to sing, 'give me ONE pure and holy passion' knowing that I am so easily drawn to other small and insignificant obsessions. I want to live the lyrics of that song and not simply sing them.
- Speaking of living, I found it quite compelling to consider that both the simple and the wise see danger..... both. What distinguishes the wise from the simple is his reaction (the wise take refuge and the simple keep going) and the outcome that follow. Suffering is promised for the simple. Yikes.

- Isn't it funny that we fume about suffering and actually blame God, rather than evaluating our decision making over a period of time and realizing that we are actually culpable for our decisions and the suffering was most likely brought on by poor paths taken? How is God to blame for our poor decisions? We might actually want to assess the trajectory of our life and how and why we keep landing in a challenging place and suffering because of decisions that we have made. These 'paths' have led to the clearly delineated outcome that God, in His love, has warned us about. Yikes, again.

- Okay, I have a 6th deal from yesterday....It was amazing to walk into our new preschool building and to see our students building and arranging SO much furniture! My kid was covered in paint and loved every minute of 'restoring' the cafe as well. Awesome.

'Nothing rather than on Christ!'

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wow. Yesterday was a catalytic weekend Encounter. Conversations are flowing and we are being invited to run in the 'paths' of the Christ-life, for that path is the place of ultimate delight and impassioned living. It is interesting to read Paul's letter to Colosse and to recognize that He is challenging them to focus solely on Christ as their all-consuming sufficiency. As we make our way through chapter 2 of that letter, it is so clear that this church is focusing on a myriad of things, 'rather than on Christ.'
Rather than identify all of the issues (2.16 - 23)that dissuaded the church at Colosse from being set on Christ, I read this section and wondered if there was a more over-arching principle involved in their lack of focus. I love God, because I happened to snag a new book by Andy Stanley entitled "The Principle of the Path" and his book perfectly captures the place that the church at Colosse finds themselves. Really, I don't think that they intended to worship traditions or themselves or angels and any other crazy stuff. I just don't think that they intended not to. Paul is asking this church to focus solely on Christ.... to recognize the supremacy of Christ... to hold their hope only in Christ.... meanwhile, they feel free to throw in a bit of angel worship; self-worship; traditions-worship; basic philosophy worship. Yeah, they are wrecking the flavor of "Christ Supreme and Christ alone!"
So, we wrestled with the principle of the path yesterday. This principle is, 'direction - not intention - will determine your destination. Every time.' If we want to be a church that lifts high the amazing name of Christ, then that cannot be our intent... it must be the direction of our lives, ministries, focus, and passion. Andy wrote, 'the direction that you (and we, as a church) are traveling currently - relationally, financially, spiritually.... - will determine where you end up in each of these areas. This is true regardless of your goals, your dreams, your wishes, or your wants.' Dreams and wishes are fine and dandy and we can 'hope' that we land among our dreams. But, here's a second principle that is deeply imbedded in our fellowship...'Hope is not a strategy.' Hope has never been a strategy.
Physically, spiritually, emotionally, professionally, financially... in every way, you and I are on a path. Our actions will lead us directly toward the destination that we are traveling. What an incredible incredible incredible opportunity to change paths (repent) and to walk in the path of God's greatest plan. What an incredible opportunity to strategically choose Christ. Constantly. Relentlessly. Christ. After all, I really believe that the One who made us is the One who is quite capable of leadings us in the paths of His commands and His love and His life and on this path, there is sheer delight and consummate satisfaction.
May I have the wisdom to walk in the path of His command and the courage to follow His path all of my days. May we share in that journey as a church.
By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Crazy weekend at Emmanuel! The worship was fresh.... the presence of God was palpable. I love the freedom that Christ brings. I love that truth that He really does move mountains... mountains of my sin... mountains of shame... mountains of guilt.... I love that, as an act of faith, I cast my life into Christ and He totally frees me.

Not only does Christ immerse me in Him and not only does He wipe away all my sin, but he does something even more beautiful. I am stoked when I discover that Christ makes a public spectacle of my freedom in the face of the powers and authorities who have held rule over me. I love that He transfers me from the domain of darkness and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I love that His transfer is made loudly public at the gates of hell. I love that He loves to claim me as His own and that I am eternally His. I love so many things about Christ. I am brought alive with Him. That is wildly good!

Christ is completely supreme and I am begging God that my life may be a confession of His supremacy and His wonder and His awe. Because I have been freed by Him and immersed in Him, the sole response from me has to be, "I am IN"... I am in on advancing Your name.. the One supreme name that will be worshipped for eternity - Jesus. I am in on living for your fame. I am IN. I am so available to be used in any way that You see fit.

May our fellowship know... really know the gravity of our freedom in Christ and may we be a church full of people who are full of Jesus and who are all in as we proclaim great freedom in and through Christ alone.

Christ amazing!

By Grace... For Glory,


Monday, March 09, 2009

So, I'm reading Colossians 2.9 and I am undone. Get this, the fullness of the Deity is made manifest in bodily form through Jesus Christ. That truth is crazy! I want to be amazed by Christ. I want to remember that the mention of His name evokes abounding worship among thousands upon thousand in the heavenly realm.... peals of thunder and lightning surround Him.... created beings of astounding beauty cascade around Him in His glory.....colors beyond our imagination surround and reflect the glory and the goodness of Christ. There is one famous, glorious Name that will be worshipped throughout eternity. Given that eternity past and eternity future will frenzy at His presence and His Name, I am praying that we will never grow weary of pursuing His good greatness and that our worship will dimly reflect the worship of heaven.

I love the lyric that David Crowder added to the song "O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing". He writes, 'So come on and sing out, let our anthem resound.... there is One great love!..... There are so few words that never grow old. There are so few words that never grow old... Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!'

Oh wow, may our worship align with a fraction of the outpouring that surrounds Christ at this moment. Yeah!

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, March 02, 2009

Image management. As a Christ-follower, what an incredibly freeing thing to care not at all about image management. What freedom to simply live our lives as an expression of God's grace and His goodness in and through us. I know that I have a propensity toward 'image management' rather than authentic/ inside out change. I hate that and I want to live before an audience of one and to all His image to be all that I seek.

I know that I can fake it. I know that faking it is empty and futile. I also know that I will be drawn toward faking this whole Christianity thing again. All that does for me is to make me proud or to leave me lifeless. I want to be full. I want for more of Christ.

I was sitting in the room yesterday and wondering what might happen if an entire church loses any idea of image management and we become an authentic, Christ-loving, 'each-other' loving community of faith. That could be crazy! I think that we should go for it.....


Monday, February 23, 2009

I want for my life to make a bold and declarative confession of the glory and the goodness of God. I really do want that. Then, I forget. I can spend minutes and hours and days and even months forgetting that 'to want' means to actually do something with that 'wanting'. I am actually called to crave for God... to love Him... to ask Him to teach me to love Him. I want that and I don't want to neglect that deep longing of my soul.

So, I am wondering what my 'cheese nips' might be. What are those things that keep me from giving great chase to our God? What keeps me from running hard after His heart? I want to fix my eyes on Christ and run the race that He has for me, casting off all hindrances and all sin that so easily entangles me. I want a contant clarifying purpose and vision of Jesus Christ to be the desire of my heart. I don't want to settle for cheese nips when my life is intended to be run with great purpose.

Ian and I were talking this morning (Monday) and we both watched the film 'Hitch' this past week. He had a great statement when he said, 'I tell all my clients --- begin each day as if it were on purpose.' Tomorrow, I want to begin as if the sole purpose of my life is to bring great honor and glory and praise to Christ. By doing that, I will run without hindrance and I will run with great focus! I am thinking that I will begin tomorrow on purpose and I am also thinking that I will wrap my heart and mind in the purposes of God via His Word. A life of that is defined and built up in the purposes of the Truth of the Word... well, that could make for a prolific and purpose-filled life.

Enjoy today.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Friday, February 20, 2009

I ran a LONG way this weekend. Tangled with my first full marathon in over 12 years. Yeah, 26.2 is a very long way. It was pretty amazing to run with a few thousand.... to run with a friend (Jesse!).... and to run with my bro-in-law. Encouragement and endurance are both really big deals.

My family stacked up much encouragement at miles 18 and 22 and 24ish. It was so sweet to round a corner and to hear my kids and my bride shouting love. That was FUN at miles 18 and 22....

At mile 22.5, I thought that I was going to lay down and never move again. I think that I get Paul's words about training and challenging your body. I pushed through the pain and finished the race well. Mile 24 was my family and 25 was other family member and 26 thousands were cheering... I like knowing that there is a great cloud of witnesses and that they love that we run well, with great passion.

So, I had a couple of goals. I wanted to finish the race. I wanted to run sub-4 hours. Hit both by running a 3.48.55. Whoo hooo!

Now, when the feeling returns to my legs......


Monday, February 09, 2009

I am wrecked by grace. I just want to stand under the waterfall of grace and to experience the pouring and pouring and pouring and flooding of Christ in me.

I struggle with grace. I actually think, at times, that I bring something of great value to the table. In actuality, the most valuable thing that I have to offer is that I have recognized Jesus Christ, who is consummate in value, and I have invited Him to be life to me. By choosing Him, I chose to be covered by grace... filled by grace... sustained by grace...held by grace.... moved by grace. Grace works. Grace moves.

So, I'm walking around today with a life wide open, asking God to pour more of Him and more of His life and more of His purpose and more of His passion into me. I'm praying for less self-reliance and total God-reliance. I am asking Him for the grace to actually live as an expression of His life. I like grace.
I am thankful for grace. Let it pour.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, February 02, 2009

Incarnate.... What an intense and incredible challenge to 'flesh out' Christ in this city. I can spin, quite easily, into being utterly overwhelmed at the prospect of being a tangible representation of Jesus Christ in this earth. I find much peace, when I find myself immersed in the incarnate God and He (Jesus) simply asks of me...asks of us to abide in Him and to allow His life to be expressed through us. It is a remarkable thing to be a part of His church and to know that our role is to live out the incarnation of Christ. We share together in the role of allowing a wonderful taste of the goodness of God. Peace!

In John 20, Jesus walked into a room of people and gave birth to the church. They were terrified and hopeless. He did two things. He showed them His hands and His feet.... He had died. He was alive! Then, he spoke the Word that continues to bring holy contentment and holy passion. He said, 'shalom'.... Peace.... All that you have been waiting for is now complete. Then, Christ breathed the presence and profundity of the Spirit of God on them and He challenged them to 'go' and to live and to incarnate Him. His church was lauched. We are a part of that movement, making great confession of the Lordship and Kingship of Jesus Christ. May Christ breathe His life and His power and His awe on us and may we go and go and go and go and flesh Him out to those in our sphere of influence. Shalom... we are complete in Him and we incarnate to others a life of peace... completion... hope....passion... future.... life.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've been thinking alot about the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer. I am giving much thought to a single sentence. "The death blow for Jonathan was to hear the words, 'stay where you are and do nothing.'" Jonathan knew that the call of God was the call to advance.

The death of the church of Jesus Christ is to do nothing.... to maintain... Jesus left with these words echoing in our soul: Go. Make disciples. Immerse them in the Kingdom. Teach. Live. Move among the nations. Lift high the name of Christ. Go.

Go. Advance. That has to be the posture of Emmanuel. I am praying that we are a people who are eagerly awaiting the name, renown, and move of God and that we will move heaven and earth to join with Him in His endeavors.

Go. Be.

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, January 19, 2009

Love Moves.... May we not love solely in word and speech, but with action and in truth. 1 john 3.18 (mcsv) The theme of disciple now was the challenge that love must move among us. We live under compulsion because of the abounding love of Christ. We love one another because we were first loved by Him. We love those who have yet to experience His perfect love because we have tasted and seen and we know it is good.

The weekend was amazing for a plethora of reasons.... a couple of hundred kids experiencing God. Good. Auburn U students leading them. Good. Riverside Worship Project parking us at the cross. Good. Hundreds of adults at Emmanuel serving and advancing this weekend. Good. Our students blanketing Crestview and serving the city. Good. It really was good news to this city that we had D-Now.

A few samples of serving.....
- yards were cared for...
- cars washed
- loose change was collected.... as in $600+, which will be given to:
*loose change to loosen chains - liberating and serving children who are trapped in the sex trade
* rice bowls - feeding hungry in this world
* our AWANA missionary
- I also helped load over 500 cans of food that will serve the food bank in Crestview

Yeah, it was an incredible weekend. All that I typed above was good. What really captured my heart this weekend was....

The cross of Christ. Once again, I was parked at the cross and positioned to determine what I will do with Christ. Honestly, it is a daily question and a daily decision to lay down my life so that I can take up His. John Taylor drew a chalk art picture of Christ as we worshipped and a video left me undone at the cross. I want to live at the cross! I long to deny myself and take up my cross and follow hard after Him.

I was also captured by a five year old. Asher was undone by I John 4.19. He and his parents were reading the Word and the Word said that we are liars if we claim Christ yet do not love those around us. He was broken and weeping and telling his daddy that 'he does NOT want to be a liar'. Asher is 5. He is 5 years old. I think that he takes Scripture far more seriously than I do. I don't want to be a liar either. I want to be one who live out and fleshes out the Truth in this world and who shows evidence that the Spirit of the Living, Radical, Amazing, Transforming God lives in me. I will think about Asher's words for quite awhile.

It was a good weekend. Much good happened. Love moved. It still does.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, January 12, 2009

I was talking with God on a long run last week. I was thinking about what it means to follow Christ. When Jesus invites us to follow Him and to encounter Him, He is inviting us into a relationship with Him. When Jesus invited someone to follow Him, He was not asking us to be a part of His move. He was inviting us to learn from Him and to think like Him and to have His attitude. He invites us to discover how to use our words like Him and how to relate to people like Him and how to live everyday like Him. A choice to follow a 'teacher' in Christ day held a great saying. The followers of a 'rabbi/teacher' asked that they might be covered in the dust of the rabbi. I was running and praying and thinking and enjoying a long jog and my mind flashed to pig-pen. He is covered in dust. Everywhere he goes, so goes the cloud. Wow, can I ever relate to that image. I laughed as I was jogging and I enjoyed a great, great chat with God about dust and follow-ship and life in Him. It was fun and challenging and I found myself finding much joy in Christ. May I... May we be covered in the dust of the rabbi! May our church be filled with the dust of a people who are seeking His face and following Him.

I love that we share this journey together. I love that we are an 'us'. I love the words in Luke 14.... that Jesus longs for His house to be full! I am begging God that our body will be a body of radical followers and the us of us will become more and more and more and more of us.

Enjoy today. Live dusty!

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, January 05, 2009

Second... as in everything is second when we are invited to follow Christ. in 'seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all else will then be added to you.' Second.... as in what an incredible thrill to move my life into its eternal purpose, which is to give Christ all honor, and all glory, and all dominion, and all worth forever. Christ supreme. Christ first.

This weekend was amazing. We launched the year in a very contemplative and simple fashion. When all else is stripped away and when we simply sit at the cross of Jesus Christ and when we gaze at the ironically beautiful blood of Jesus Christ, we find the place of amazing love, grace, freedom and hope. As His blood and water spills, we find the walls that separated us from God come crashing down. It is my prayer that we find our lives and our fellowship parked at the cross throughout 09.

It is my prayer that we follow Christ. It is my prayer that we not settle for the 'sweet and nice' Jesus, but the 'walking defining moment... the catalytic force... the man who, when encountered, broadened the view of God and invoked life change.' I am praying that our fellowship desperately longs for life-change and to be a part of this amazing movement of God that lends great credence to the glory of God. I am praying that, because we follow Christ, we are a walking defining moment..... a catalytic force... and a group of people who, when encountered, broaden and clarify the image of God. Yeah. That will make for an amazing 09.

Happy New Year!

By Grace.... For Glory,
