Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This song... these lyrics pierce me......

Lead me to the cross – where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees – Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself – I belong to You
Oh lead me – lead me to the cross

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. -- Galatians 6.14

For I resolve to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. -- I Cor 2.2

I deeply want my life to lead to the one simple conclusion that the cross of Jesus Christ is more than sufficient and worth all. Lead me to the cross so that all that trail behind me might find the supremacy of the cross in and through all of who I am. Lead me to the cross.

For the Glory,

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Here & Now....

Today... I get today and today is a gift of God's grace. Today. Today is in front of me. It's here and now. I really want to live in the present and recognize that I cannot shift or change the past and I cannot project the future. What I can do is live with singularity of purpose today.. right now... in this moment. I have this moment to live consumed for that which is ultimate. I have this moment to live for the glory of God alone.

That seems to be the challenge of the prodigal (extravagantly wasteful) and the prideful - recognizing their need to live in each moment with singular purpose. What would it look like if Christ-followers recognized that the supremacy of God in all things in all our lives in all ways is the all consuming driver for us? I really think that might change the world... it might change our work... our play... our resource.. our passions.. our lives.. our relationships.

So, what's your singular purpose? Really, what is the driving force of your life. It was amazing, this weekend, to sit in the middle service and hear a group of students who just returned from camp talk about God as if He is intensely interested in their here and their now. It was amazing to hear them talk about being 'family' and about their heart-hopes and passions to grow together in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. The theme of their camp was "here and now". It seems like their theme and our theme in the series 'found' are colliding. Here & Now - today I choose Christ. Today, I choose to live for that which is ultimate.

What is ultimate for you? What would it look like if you lived with Christ as the supreme, all consuming, encompassing, impassioned, ultimate pursuit of your life?

I am consumed for that which is ultimate. That is my personal life statement. It guides me as I venture through life. What guides you?

Enjoy today and comment if you feel the urge.

For the Glory,