Monday, May 29, 2006

Echo..... Musings from the Memorial Weekend

Philippians 3.12 - 14

Echo..... a sound heard again near its source after being reflected..... to repeat words, sentiments, or the character of...... And we, with unveiled faces reflecting/ beholding like mirrors the brightness of the Lord, all grow brighter and brighter as we are turned into the image that we reflect. This is the work of the Lord who is Spirit... II Cor 3.18.

This weekend, I realized that the end goal of my life is to know Christ. I really get bogged down in that pursuit and I find that peripherals become my focus..... often my passion. If I am going to really be about substance in my life. Really, if I am going to live for something of worth, then I must begin with the end in mind. The end.... the ultimate pursuit of life is this amazing man named Jesus. He stand as that "one thing I do"..... I'm not there, but I am pressing with my deepest passion to get there. I am straining to not do what seems to be so 'intuitive' - look at cones..... trip up on life over peripherals. I really want peripherals to be just that... peripheral. I want to know Christ. I want to know Him from experience. I want to know Him from encounter. I want to progressively, intimately, and passionately live in pursuit of Him. I want the end goal of my life to be about Him, His glory, His purpose, His ways... Him!

I think that the point of the weekend is really summed up in our end goal. I really am not sure that everyone who is a follower of Christ really follows. An echo is, by definition, a sound heard again near its source after being reflected. I have to remain close to the source. I have to live, not with many magnificent obsessions. Instead, one pure and holy passion... one glorious ambition.... one magnificent obsession - to Know Christ and follow HARD after Him. I think that we have to consider, contemplate, think much about the end goal of our lives. If we are going to train for life, then what is the target? Who am I training to become? I think that we should think about that alot. I think if we don't think about who we want to become, then we will not become. So, what.... or Who is the end goal? Life decisions will be made based upon the answer to that question. Who is the end goal? An echo will or will not occur based upon the answer to that question. Who is the end goal? The capacity to reflect the glory of God is based upon the answer to that question. Paul is asking us to train for life. He does not see this as a haphazard pursuit. In fact, he's a bit intense. Training begins with an end goal. Paul says, I'm not there yet, but I know the end goal and that goal is the absolute, radical passion to live for the upward, pressing goal found in Christ alone. Basically, he says he will give everything he has to reach that goal... the passionate cry to know and be one with the heartbeat of Christ. What about you? What about me?

Honestly, I want to make a difference... I want my life to echo throughout eternity. It's memorial day, and I have spent the better part of the day with friends. We spent a few minutes around the table 'remembering' people in our lives who have given their lives for our country. Two of the guys I ate with are or have been about that very deal. A patriotic echo! An echo of freedom....... That's what today is about. I think that is what the message of Christ is about.... an echo of freedom. Not political, governmental, or social. Christ' message is an echo of freedom that is eternal. I want to be about that, which means I want to know the source of that cry.

I want to 'behold' Him so that I can 'become' the man He intends.... I really want to press and strain to become! After all, what I do on earth will echo throughout eternity. Maybe, at the end of my life, the only echo flowing from my life will be about the Source. Maybe the only echo will be a resounding, to Him be all glory and honor and praise and dominion forever and ever and ever and ever and...... Yeah, that will have been a well lived life! I am small, He is huge.

Drop any thoughts you might like to add by clicking on comments below. Enjoy Memorial Day. Enjoy Freedom!


Monday, May 22, 2006


Musings from the weekend of May 20-21 at the Emmanuel Fellowship....

Philippians 3.10... really, just the first few words define us. I want to know Christ. To "know" is a word that invites us into an experience.... an encounter.... in fact, encounter after encounter with the living God so that we progressively, intentionally, and passionately deepen in a relationship with Him. It was a sweet weekend to experience what it looks like to 'know' Him.

It seems that knowing Him means going for Him... living for His glory. I love the song, "We Speak to Nations." Really, the idea of speaking freedom, hope, forgiveness, redemption, and the glory of the living God to nations is overwhelming. This weekend as we were singing this song and Bonnie was walking down the aisle with the flag of Niger in her hands, (preparing to give the next three years of her life in this country) I was undone. I watched a friend who could easily be packing up life and prepping to retire, instead teach all of us what it looks like to live for the kingdom. She's 'going'.... she's going because she is in love with this man named Jesus who has the capacity to bring life, hope, and peace. She's going because God has given her medical training and the people of Niger have medical needs. She's going because there are 1.4M people in Niger and only 184 of them have experienced what it looks like to be in relationship with Christ. She's going because God invited her and she said, oh yeah! I thank God for Bonnie... she has led the GEMS well. She has been a teammate... a friend.... and left deep impression on my life (all of our lives I do believe!!) Her story was challenging. Bonnie said one thing.... she said, when you say "yes" to God, life becomes pretty clear. He may shift and change your environments, but our lives are, then, consumed for His glory, His name, and His renown. So, let's "Go"! Let's live with faces radiant for the name and fame of God.

"Going" takes on many different forms. Bonnie is venturing to Africa. Katherine also shared a life adjustment. She is 'going' to a classroom in Okaloosa County. She will "go" to teach and to live as a person who is after the heart of God and who longs to leave an impact on 20 - 25 families every year of her life. Katherine is leaving our staff team after 3 years to "Go"..... She has left an amazing impact on the kids ministries here. She has guided our fellowship to leave impression on 4 continents in missions ministries. And now, she is 'going' back to the classroom to leave impression. I think that the message of this weekend was pretty doggone cool. Going takes on many different forms. What it really boils down to is being owned by the desire to move with God..... where God is taking you.... and to actually be owned by the passion to know Him.

It was a sweet weekend. 20+ graduates.... African continent.... Kids focus changing.... (okay, can we really be THAT excited about two team members leaving the Emmanuel team??? Life really changes doesn't it!!?) ..... and the overarching message of one pure, holy passion. I really thank my God for a family to experience life with and to experience God with.... It's supreme.

So, let's aspire to be like Moses. To really ask God for one simple thing this week. In fact, to make this thought predominant in our lives. "God, I want you.... at this moment, nothing from you.... nothing to do for me.... I really want you!" Moses said, let's cut past all this other stuff that I need in this world. Let's cut through the needs I have in leading a million people or so through the desert. Let's cut to the chase...."Show me Your Glory!!!" He was saying, You, O God, are more than enough. Not your stuff.... not what you do for me.... not the manna, quail, parting waters, or cloud of your presence. What I really want is....... You! I just want you, God! Philippians 3.10 invites us to WANT God. To long to know Him. All the rest will fall into place when our desire to know Him is the apex. Honestly, I want to be a difference maker... to leave an impact for the kingdom... to change the world... to be a part of a body that does HUGE things for God's glory. Every one of those desires are predicated upon one thing - my longing to know Him. I love Moses.... after dropping his life to a whole new level of relationship with God, He walked away from that moment and began to interact with other people and they were blown away. He radiated! He radiated the presence, essence, and person of God.

Maybe that's why it's so critical that we not ask for the 'stuff' from God until we simply ask for Him. He's enough..... When He is well known, the stuff comes. Reminds me a bit of Jesus words when He said, "seek first God.... just God.... and everything else you need will be properly added." (Matt 6.33 - mark's very loose translation)

So, O impassioned peoples..... let's blow through life radiating the presence of God. Maybe you will be cruising through life and somebody in the Publix aisle 11 will say, 'you have been with Christ..... His presence is all over you!" Wouldn't that be sweet?!

I love you guys. I thank my God for you. Feel free to add your commentary to the weekend by clicking on "comments" below. Enjoy today. Enjoy Christ.


Sunday, May 14, 2006


Thoughts from the weekend of May 14 at Emmanuel (Defining Moments)

Honestly, I really don't have anything to offer God except myself.... my life.... my passions... my dreams. When I was a kid I was lost.... lost in the woods... lost, helpless, scared, struggling, crying, and with nothing to offer. Yeah, I ventured into the woods at dusk and, yeah, I did a really good job of getting completely lost! Then, up steps a heroic man..... a booming bass voice..... a beaming flashlight. My dad carved his way through the woods with a flashlight and a resounding call of my name and I had the thrill of responding to his voice in the only way that made sense. I climbed into his arms.... as an act of faith. I realized that I had no other hope and nothing to bring to the table. I was LOST and my dad found me. I was in a hopeless, helpless position and I was FOUND. I asked my dad to carry me home.

I think I would have been a stupid man to consider that I had anything to offer at that moment. The only offering I had to give was me... to dad.... to carry me... home!

Paul said, in Philippians 3.10, I want to be 'found IN HIM'.... nothing about me or about what I do 'right' that will satisfy God. I want, as an act of faith, to be found in Christ and to trust Him to be my completion. This whole overriding passion to know Christ and to live abandoned to His glory assumes that I know that it's all about Him. Let's face it, most followers of Christ trust in Him alot..... many just don't trust in Him alone. We have the audacity to think that it's Christ +..... Christ + some form of baptism... Christ + some version.... Christ + some spiritual gift... Christ + some form of devotion. When we embrace Christ and are embraced by Him, we are complete. If you are reading this and you have embraced Christ, you are complete..... right now.... you are complete! Yeah!

Do we really dare to question the crowning work of God? Do we really think heaven needs help in saving us? We are lost in the woods apart from Christ. There is nothing I can do. To suggest I can do something diminishes the amazing, grace-filled, all encompassing work of Christ. I have been saved by grace, with nothing to boast about except the cross of Jesus Christ.

Rick's story that was shared this weekend personified the above words. Rick's story was amazing at so many levels.... the obvious - that he places the massive accomplishments he has achieved beneath the banner of the cross of Christ..... that the passion he shared was given at a retirement ceremony at Eglin AFB is even more profound... this wasn't a church talk... this was a defining moment. Rick defined his life as given over solely to the glory of God. I thank my God for a friend like him. He is a partner in this astounding gospel.... this good, great news! His boast is in the cross of Christ and the world dies to him and he dies to the world (Gal 6.14). I love Rick's closing quote..."he is not fool, to give what He cannot keep for that which he will never lose" (Elliot).

We would be foolish to build our lives on anything other than the eternal cross of Christ. Honestly, I want to be found in Him... I do not want to even consider a righteousness of my own.... I want to cast ALL my faith upon Him..... I long to be known for knowing Christ. All the rest is skubala!

What a weekend...... feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comments below. I love this place... I love our God!


To offer anything

Monday, May 08, 2006

25 Years.... & Life at the Cross

Thoughts from Defining Moments (5) & Philippians 3.7-8

It's Monday morning and I am typing away while emotionally exhausted. (A virus that bombarded our home doesn't help the exhaustion meter!) What a weekend! We celebrated 25 years of this movement of God called Emmanuel and we had 3 challenging celebrations through the weekend. Scripting a few thoughts about this weekend is a daunting task.... we experienced the release of 'stuff' at the cross and the release of 'passion' at the anniversary celebration. Life is beautiful.... God is beautiful.

During our 3 Celebration Gatherings, I was invited to ask myself what I am known for.... what defines me. Wow, I do not want to miss the mark on this question. If I define myself poorly, I will mess up so many areas of my life. The running statement from the weekend was "I want to be known (defined) as a man who knows God." Really, I want to be known as a person who deeply and passionately pursues what it looks like to know God and to be known by Him. The image of the trash can beneath the cross was compelling. Maybe, my hearts cry is that I do not live my life for rubbish, but that I continue to rid myself of small dreams... small gods.... distractions... and that I live for one pure and holy passion, which is to know and follow hard after God. In the 10 AM celebration, Lee voiced a thought that owns me... he said, 'there is no rubbish... no trash... nothing too big for our God that cannot be brought to the cross. He asks us to bring it all to Him and He will take care of it." My heart beats in gratitude for God's grace. His grace... His love... His acceptance of me is overwhelming and I just don't have words to express. So, from man's genesis, we will battle to answer the question, "what are we known for" and to answer it well. Avoiding the putrid smell of being known for rubbish is a personal goal. Allowing the sweet aroma of being known for knowing Christ is a passion!

After our weekend celebration gatherings, God opened the heavens (no rain and it was a perfect day!!!) and gave the Emmanuel family an incredible day. Bands played... stories were shared... food was inhaled.... Bands played even more.... kids jumped on 'jumpy things'.... horseshoes were tossed... relationships were built.... relationships were deepened..... cookers did some serious cooking....a room of rich history was toured.... future dreams were shared..... It was a magnanimous day!

The closing of the day was too much for words. So, I'll let my words be few. The sun set behind the family of faith called Emmanuel and we made our way to the cross to tell our God of our deepest longings and our ever - increasing passion for His renown. As we laid rocks at the base of the cross... rocks that symbolized our hope and our passion for years to come, I think that the heavens felt free to join in the rejoicing. It was a sweet day..... Not to us, O Lord. Not to us, but to Your name be the glory. -- Ps 115.1.

Feel free to add your commentary about the weekend... about our God.... about passion for His name.... click on comments below. I love you guys and I love this family called Emmanuel.

Longing to be known for knowing Christ,
