Monday, November 27, 2006

No Retreat....No Reserve.... No Regret

Thoughts from the weekend encounter at emmanuel flowing out of Philippians 4.14-18.

Paul wrote, about the church at Philippi, that they were uncommonly generous. He wrote that they, unlike many other churches, deeply cared about him.... about needs.... about others. He commended them. Honestly, I long to be a part of a fellowship that is commended because we care. To be commended because we are deeply passionate to know Jesus Christ and to express that knowledge of Him by living out His character in this earth.
Is it possible for Emmanuel to be known for generosity.... concern.... caring.... being a fellowship that leaves deep impression for God's glory? As I said yesterday, I believed at 20 years old that I could change the world. Literally, I had this fundamental belief that God just might want to use me to change the world. Funny, but I am 40 and I still believe that truth at the very depths of my being. The wisdom that I have gained over the past 20 years is that I can change the world..... just not alone! We need each other and, together, as this movement called the church, we can leave a great and radical impact. You know, I want to do that... I can't fathom the thought of sitting idly by as thousands die each day from malnutrition.... hundreds of thousands die from curable disease..... billions have no drinking water. It is our role to meet these needs (give a cup of water) and, after meeting needs, to share of this abounding passion we have for the Person of Jesus Christ.
Otherwise, we will die... spiritually. Our heart and passion will simply atrophy. To be idle is to watch others die... to not care.... to be lukewarm.... and it kills us. We were wired to care and we were wired (eternity rests in our heart) to do something! This image haunts me..... The photojournalist was haunted as well. A kid, minutes from a camp... food... nurture... starving but help is steps away. A vulture awaits death. The photojournalist snaps the picture, sits down under a tree and smokes a cigarette. He did nothing..... The pain of this moment haunted him as well.
We can't sit under a tree and do nothing.... we can't eat ice cream or smoke a cigarette and be idle. I told the story of William Borden yesterday.... His life statement was No Retreat.... No Reserve.... No Regret.... He lived and died with passion and purpose. What about us... me..... you?
Yesterday, I walked away with three thoughts.... I have no capacity to live with generosity if I do not know why I am on this planet. As a Christ-follower, our purpose is to glorify God.. to enjoy perpetuate Him. My life statement is consumed for that which is ultimate. That guides my decision making... investment of time.... and spending of money.
Speaking of money, giving is a delight. Really! Somehow, this idea of giving has been distorted to be some duty that we must do. You know, like check off the 10% box or dropping a bit in the basket as it passes. Generosity... giving... it's SO much more than simply a duty. It's actually beautiful! Giving allows a truck to back up to a village in W. Africa and dispense antibiotics.... a well to be dug in a village that has no clean drinking water for miles.... for hundreds of kids on our campus to experience this radical man named Jesus.... for LIFE Groups to gather and study.... for a man to give his life in Central Asia and to teach agrarian principles and the use of chickens in order to sustain life (food!).....for a man to trek through Bolivia and introduce those whose hearts beat for Christ, yet they have never heard His name. Giving is not duty... Giving paves the way for rejoicing and hearts to explode for the glory of God.
A third thought was that a life of generosity is based upon the quality of our life (not the quantity). It isn't nearly as relevant how long you live as how you live. Bottom line, Jesus really wants to know if we love Him. If so, then care for His people... love His people... meet the needs of the people that He formed.... and share His name with them. To do that, I think He wonders if we love Him. When we love Him, we will live Him out.
Enjoy today. Cut down any tree that you want to sit under and settle. Eradicate complacency. Live radically. Radical is the way of Christ. Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comment below.

For the Glory,

Monday, November 20, 2006


Musings from the weekend encounter at Emmanuel and Philippians 4.10-12.... It was pretty sweet to recognize that I/ we are rich. We have been given this magnitude of wealth in order to bless the world around us. For me, the most ridiculous statement this weekend was made in the Rob Bell video. He said that it would take approx. 20 billion dollars to meet worldwide basic needs (clean water, shelter, clothing, medical needs). He, then, said that Americans consume that $ figure in ice cream each year. I am compelled.
I do believe that God has blessed Emmanuel and God has invited us to be a huge part of His solution... to meet basic needs and to step into that vacuum and introduce the ultimate need in the Person of Jesus Christ. In fact, I think (and I am wide open to being wrong) that we make this huge God-dent in this earth by bringing water, food, clothing, and a passion for Jesus Christ simultaneously. It seems to me that we are often zealous... impassioned... for sharing this gospel with a verbal message or a video or a tract.... and people need clean drinking water! (remember, the gospel is GOOD NEWS!) I think that people are waiting for a cup of water or a bowl of soup and THAT is good news to them. They are waiting for medical relief or a roof over their head. They are waiting for a blanket when it's cold and providing THOSE needs is good news. When we have shared in meeting practical needs, then we have the thrill of sharing why.... we, then actually have been granted the right to tell of our reckless, deeply impassioned love relationship with this man named Jesus Christ. Because we love Him so deeply, we actually believe that He wants us to be bearers of good news in this earth.
At the point 0f meeting physical/practical needs, I would guess that hearts, minds, hopes, and passions would be turned on to hear about Jesus Christ. The reality that it is FAR better than soup or a blanket... it is the beautiful truth that Christ longs to take up residence in our lives. That the living God will park His very life in my life... our lives. That is amazing. Ridiculous. And that truth leaves me deeply impassioned. Let's live our lives under compulsion for His fame in this earth!
Our whole capacity to live out the mystery of Christ hinges upon our contentment in Him. Life is not about Christ +.... Christ + someone with you... or different circumstances around you... or an improved view of you......or some position given to you.... or more things owned by you.... or some label on you..... Paul actually says that our capacity to leave a deep God-dent in this earth happens when we discover and live out the truth that Christ is enough. I am in Christ and He is in me and we are hidden in God... we are immersed in this beautiful God-fest and that is enough. There is nothing to add to that equation. Honestly, that truth and reality fly's in the face of everything that I hear, read, or am told. Maybe that's why I suffer from discontent so often. My heart really doesn't long for more things... accolades.... plaudits....even though I keep stuffing them. In reality, my heart yearns for more of Christ. He is enough.
Maybe my capacity to live out this Christ life is found in this mystery.... it's Christ in me, my hope of glory (Col 1.27) Maybe that is enough. Maybe......

Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comments.

Enjoy Thanksgiving!

For the Glory,

Monday, November 13, 2006


Philippians 4.10 and a few thoughts flowing from.......

I was in a conversation the other day and a term was used to describe a people group. "Trash"... there was an adjective preceding the word.... a color was used. White.... Yellow.... Brown..... people described as trash. Honestly, I didn't like it. In fact, I had a pretty sick feeling in my gut. I mean, someone who was formed and shaped by our God = trash. I don't think that fits at all! I actually began to think that she was describing treasure... creativity... that, when God was forming the people group that she described, He was feeling especially creative that day. Honestly, I am not sure how we end up labeling someone as beneath us.... as trash. How does that happen?

This weekend, we talked about Jesus thoughts and His passion for every person on this planet. We also conversed about our heart 'blooming' for others..... their needs.... who they are.... who they might become.... and when our hearts bloom for others, it sparks rejoicing, and God becomes 'greater than' to them. Greater than a difficult circumstance.... greater than a temporary trial.... greater than the current situation. God is greater than......

Jesus really challenged us concerning our perspective of others and how we serve others. In fact, He really compels us to learn from the Philippian church. In 4.10, the church at Philippi is described as giving generously to Paul and because they gave His heart flourished in joy and God demonstrated that He was greater than Paul's current circumstance (jail... potential loss of life). Because the Philippians responded, we received one of the most beautiful letters ever written... a letter about joy, passion, and contentment in Christ (Philippians!).

There is a story that Jesus told that truly moves me… compels me…. In Matthew the 25th Chapter, Jesus is walking with His followers…. He is talking to them about life… about passion… about priorities….about worship….. about investing….. and he lands on this story…… Some of you will do very well… some of you won’t….. As a Christ follower, there are pretty clear metrics for whether you are doing well…. In fact, whether your heart opens to those around you who are in need is a pretty clear sign of what you are about and Whose you are. He said,

I was hungry and you fed me.
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink
I was homeless and you gave me a place to sleep
I was shivering and you gave me clothes.
I was sick and you visited.
I was in prison and you came to me.

When you did things like this to the overlooked or ignored… it was me! You did this to me!!

It seems to me that we leave much rejoicing when we are intensely passionate about advancing the name of Christ….. when we are in the midst of needs…… we step into needs and speak, very practically, that God is greater than! It seems to me that there is no 'trash' on this earth. There are people who are overlooked, ignored, despondent and awaiting one who has found intense passion and hope to share what we have found!

Let's be honest. It's easy to frequent a bible study.... go to church. It's easy to read a bible. It's even easy to discuss who believes what and who's right and who's wrong. That is easy. It's far more difficult to actually take the truth that we are reading and live it out among those who might be overlooked or ignored. Maybe Jesus isn't about another study. Maybe Jesus is about living His life out in this earth. Maybe Jesus is asking us to live the kind of life He described in Matthew 25. Maybe that is what a Christ-follower would do.... who he would be!

I was thinking practically a bit this morning. I was thinking about the challenge yesterday.... you know - to mobilize into LIFE Groups..... for LIFE Groups to find something.... some ministry..... some area of need in our community and commit to meet that need. What if we gave 2 hours a month, within each group, to support and live out this good news in our city. What if 30 life groups gave 2 hours per month? That's 300 people + in 30 LIFE groups shaping this city.... If I can do my math correctly, our fellowship could actually serve 600 man hours a month demonstrating the God-life. That sounds HUGE. I mean, the pregnancy center would be maintained remarkably..... people who are struggling in nursing homes would be loved..... men/ women in prison could be discipled once a month.... food pantries could be organized...... kids in juvenile shelters could be nurtured.... it could be amazing!

I think Jesus would like us doing something like that in Crestview. I think He would say, well done... way to go. I think that rejoicing could happen in this city as a result. I think God would demonstrate Himself as greater than and actually use us! I am pretty confident we would be on the right track. Finally, I think we would NEVER see trash again. We would see the majesty, beauty, and wonder of God's creation as we joined with God in bringing out His beauty through the lives of His people.

Just a few thoughts..... Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comments.

For the Glory,

Monday, November 06, 2006

Beautiful Day.....

Yeah, yesterday was a beautiful day! All was right... good. From amazing songs to a taste of U2 and the amazing 'closer' to worship - Ian, the cheering machine. Oh, yeah! It was a beautiful day.

Last night, rolling up at Emmanuel at 4:20 (40 minutes early) and seeing hundreds already on campus and dozens of grills rolling out some sweet cooking. Something about that whole deal was just right. It was a beautiful night. I really had this image of the early church.... you know, the group written about in Acts who laughed, loved, ate, and simply sat together and enjoyed life. That's what last night felt like.... Colors were everywhere..... chairs.... laughter.... joy.... kids jumping.... students loving kids.... amazing food..... mascots from all schools.... banners.... and a stinkin good fest. Yes, we had cheerleaders... followed by Ian and Jamie - our resident insane men. If you missed the 'dance off/ cheer fest' by the boys, here's a link to a taste of the insanity.

Watching the video, I love the prayer moment.... I mean, how often do you pray and have two mascots standing beside you joining in this conversation with God. It was a beautiful day (dance off included)

This journey in Christ is remarkable. It's fun. It's mystery. It's filled with joy and it's filled with weight (kabod is the hebrew word for 'glory' and it actually means weighty). This role we live out on earth is filled with glory and it is filled with the ripe opportunity to live out the God-life in the marketplace of life. I think that we long to stand firm... I think that we must stand firm as a people who are impassioned for the name and character of Christ and who are emboldened to give all that we are for His fame alone. Paul tells us to put into practice... actually live out... what we have seen and heard. Paul suggest that the impetus for a life lived for the glory will actually move us into the fullness of our purpose. He writes that we will actually live in the midst of God's excellent harmonies! I think Paul was asking us to give our lives for the glory because we will, then, move into God's best... our best! Because we believe that God is whole and brings us to wholeness, Paul really expects that, when confronted with truth, we will put it into practice. When our lives contradict truth, Paul/ Jesus/ James... well, they actually think it best that we adjust our lives to truth because its for the advance of the kingdom AND we benefit by being in God's harmony. Wow!

People who Stand Firm…. They are Christ-followers who refuse to make excuses for their failings; instead we address our inadequacies and invite our God to enable us to overcome. After all, at the center of this whole thing, a man did die and a man was raised from the dead and He did not do that for us to merely make it through a day or to live stuck in a moment we can't get out of.... He died out of this abandoned love for us… a passion for relationship with us….. He actually thinks that the connection we share will so wholly transform us that we will take on his character… Fruit!

Think well... Live well... Become..... That's the beauty of transformation. Becoming a bit more like Christ together.

Stand Firm together.... Falling in love with Christ. That sounds right.... That sounds like a recipe for many 'beautiful days'. Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comment below. Enjoy today, it's a beautiful day.

For the Glory,