Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Healing is in Your Hands...

I continue to be amazed at the move of God. We just keep hearing great-God stories of how He is working and what He is doing. This past Sunday's worship was just a sweet reminder of His power, His provision, His purpose, His grace, and His unfailing love.

As we were singing the lyrics 'How High/How wide/No matter where I am healing is in Your hands," I just couldn't help but feel the overwhelming presence of Christ, and the perfect peace that comes from His presence.

You may not know this but the worship team was actually struggling with that song Sunday...not the music aspect...but with the emotions that can be wrapped up in a song. Betsey (who was singing the lead on the song) and her husband are soon to be moving away. Betsey and Andy have been so interwoven in to the fabric of EBC for the past ten years. Small group leaders, worship team members, awana leaders, family, prayer warriors, and just good friends to so many. But God is moving them to another city in His sovereign time and sovereign plan.

When I say the worship team was struggling, I don't mean musically, or that there was some strife...I mean we were just all a little emotional. We barely made it through in practice, but God's grace is sufficient. I think by the time the 9:30 service rolled around, everyone was so saturated with the peace of the Spirit's presence (that and our tech team was in the back making funny faces at us so we would laugh!).

I know for me as we led that song, I could hear His voice saying, I am sovereign. I am in control. I love You. I love this church. I love my people. Lead them to me. I am what they need.

I guess the bottom line is this: this past Sunday, God just overwhelmed the worship team and I think the whole church with a great picture of this truth. We are HIS! Part of being His is surrendering to His plans, His purposes, His timing, and trusting that His plans, His purposes, and His timing, are ALWAYS good, ALWAYS perfect and ALWAYS better than any thought we can ever muster.

Aren't you glad you have a God like that?! That is the truth of Psalm 27 we have been unpacking over the past few weeks. He is our Light and Salvation. Whom shall we fear?! He hears us. He knows us. He loves us. Let's rest in that.

So we don't so farewell to friends...we say, God is in charge, and right now, He has kingdom purposes for you somewhere else. We exist to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ, 'no matter where we are' because healing is in His hands.

Every moment :: Every breath :: Everything...for His glory.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Come ready for worship tomorrow...
We will be hanging in Psalm 27, specifically verses 7-10...our God is the Father to the fatherless, and He calls us into a relationship of love..

Songs for worship (original artist in () so you can check them out on itunes or youtube)
Faithful - (Kristian Stanfill)
Desert Song - (Brooke Fraser/Hillsong)
Psalm 62 - (Aaron Keyes)
Healing is in Your Hands - (Christy Nockels/Passion)
Forever Changed - (Eddie Kirdland)
All We Need - (Charlie Hall)

Looking forward to worshiping with you...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, we dove a little deeper into Psalm 27, particularly verses 5-6.

The promises God gives us in these verses are incredible truths we must cling to. He is the one who fights on our behalf. He is the one who defends, hides us, and lift us up. He is God at all times and in all circumstances.

Something that I think was profound for many was tackling something we've all heard and many have said: "God will never give us more than we can handle." We talked about how this just isn't's no in the Bible. His Word says He won't let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and He always provides an escape from temptation. Yet, His Word doesn't promise escape from circumstances, from trials, or pain. In fact, you could say, His Word in many ways promises these things.

But here is the truth and the good thing about it all...that in trials, we get more of Him! We need circumstances bigger than us, because we need a God who is bigger than us. God doesn't always remove hardship (though sometimes He does). He always gives us more of Himself when we seek Him (27:4). He is our treasure and reward.

Let's walk in the light of that truth this week and cling to His promise.

Here is a great reminder of who He is from Psalm 86:

Monday, January 10, 2011

This was a weekend of some huge wins and great God-sized stuff at EBC!

Our college students returned from Passion with an increased hunger for God, His Word, His Name, and His renown.

Our small group leaders had a leader training Saturday and spent intentional time praying over our groups and asking God to move in our small groups this semester.

Yesterday's worship encounter was simply an astounding move of God. Jesus' Name was lifted high as we journeyed through Psalm 27.

Last night, we had tons of people getting connected in small groups. There were a lot of new faces and folks getting plugged in to a groups for the first time.

God is moving!

Yesterday we shared a video testimony in worship of the transforming power of Christ as He works in community. Check out Chelsey's story. If you aren't plugged in to a small group and get connected. There is no way to describe what God can do in the the community of a small group!