Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas! Yesterday was such a sweet and powerful time of worshiping with our faith family. In fact, I'm not sure that words can do it justice. The presence and power of God was moving among us. As the story unfolded, it was beautiful to celebrate the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Savior.

This year has been an incredible year in the life of Emmanuel. Much has happened for the glory of God and the fame of Jesus. As we approach the week of Christmas, our prayer is that the Emmanuel family would marvel at the indescribable grace we have been given. It's in our name...4 words...God is with us = Emmanuel. Beautiful. Bask in the light of His grace this Christmas, and let that light shine and reflect out of us so that all may see His glory!

No matter how you tell it, it is the greatest story...a video from worship yesterday.
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Generous Life...
God has been doing some incredible things during this past series. God is a generous God, and because He has given to us generously in giving us all we need in Christ, we are free to live generously for Him.

There have been a number of very cool stories that people have shared over the past few weeks of how God has been opening their eyes to see the beautiful joy that comes in giving. Just yesterday, a faithful Emmanuel member was sharing just how much joy she receives as she gives and shares with others.

That is what is so cool about God's economy. Man's economy says...keep it, save it, squander it. God says give it. Man's economy says giving is it if you have to. God's economy says freely you have received...freely give! We give primarily for the glory of God and in our giving God gives a deep, abiding joy...the joy of being completely satisfied in Him; the joy of knowing His indwelling grace; the joy of being like Him as we give.

If you haven't discovered the joy of giving, even the joy of giving sacrificially, ask God to to show you where to start. You can't out give Him.

There is no joy in collection. There is no lasting joy in consumption. There is deep, everlasting joy in abandoned living and freely giving. - A Generous Life

Monday, November 08, 2010

God is on the move...

Worship, small groups, people serving and giving of themselves....
God continues to move in big ways in and through the life of Emmanuel. It is such a joy to be on the journey!

Yesterday was just a perfect picture of how cool this place is...
Worship yesterday was rocking...not just the music...literally the presence of God was rocking us as we as a church encountered His truth, His love, His grace, and His power.

Small groups were rolling last night, digging into the Word. It was great to hear stories from people last night on the concourse (yes some of us were braving the cold) of how God is moving in their small groups. God is working in our kids and students as well.

Last night we also hosted 18 people at Starting Point. These are people inquiring about aligning with the life and fellowship of Emmanuel and joining is in our pursuit to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ. We always love sharing the Emmanuel story...not just because we love this place (and we do!)...but because we aren't the center of the story...Jesus Christ is. He is the reason for it all! We love how God is moving.

This Wednesday, is the due date for shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Check out the OCC website, video some videos, and find out how to pack a box. Let's serve the world by sharing the message and hope of the Savior!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday was just one of those days. One of those days when all seemed right with the world. It was an explosion of celebration here at Emmanuel. This past weekend 4 people were baptized and we celebrated the fact that they are now alive in Christ!

Also, this weekend, small groups sold stuff...lots of stuff...and they were selling it with a purpose. With the goal of raising money for local and global ministries, different groups raised a total of $2400...just by selling the excess of their stuff. That's $2400 that can be poured out and used to bring Jesus Christ great fame in Crestview and in Mplonjeni, Swaziland, where the money will be used to bring clean water into a water-less community.

Top it all off Sunday night at Fall Gathering. Small groups gathered on campus for a big tailgate celebration of life in Christ. I am so thankful for the people the make up EBC. God has poured out his blessing on Emmanuel and all we can do in response to such incredible grace is offer everything He has given back to Him and say...'whatever God...we will do whatever...for You!'

So thankful for His grace. So thankful for His church. So thankful for you.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Some changes...

You may have noticed some changes on the main website. We are tweaking and adjusting trying to make tings more accessible and interactive. It is a work in progress...but it is a beautiful work in progress.

We are all works in progress right? Aren't you thankful that we have a God who does not let us stay the same, but who is constantly changing us? In worship recently we have been digging into how God changes our hearts...and what does it look like to listen and act on Jesus' words: "Follow me."

So friends, we are on an incredible journey...the journey of following Him, the journey of becoming more like Him, the journey of loving the world the way He loves the world. is He asking you to follow Him?

Monday, August 16, 2010

This weekend was wildly...insanely good!

Saturday night over 150 leaders were gathered for a night of appreciation, training, prayer, worship, and a whole lot of laughter! Unleashed was a wild success...mainly because the people it was for...the leaders of EBC are a wildly, insanely awesome people!

Yesterday morning's worship was so sweet. 'A mighty fortress is our God...a sacred refuge is Your name!' the kingdom of God isn't some far-off, will happen later, kind of kingdom. It is the kingdom of 'now and not-yet.' We are called to be a part of that kingdom and to proclaim that kingdom right now!

Last night, my wife and I walked onto campus to pick up our kids after group connect/small groups to the most beautiful sight. On the concourse (that's the place between all three buildings in case you didn't' know) there were people everywhere. Kids were running. Grown-ups were laughing and talking. Students were hanging out. What a beautiful picture of the church...God's people connecting and pursing authentic biblical of our core values! It was so good to hang out during Group Connect and see people finding a small group...and seeing new small groups form!

God is on the move here at EBC! He is calling and leading, and we will run hard after Him!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Reason...

Every Sunday we gather in worship is a reflection of hours of preparation on many people's part. not just your church staff, but numerous volunteers who give hours of their time because they believe in our vision of igniting and inspiring a passion for Jesus Christ.

Every song we sing, the Scriptures we read, the Word that is taught, the videos we show, and even the moments of hilarity that can happen are part of a Holy spirit-initiated process. We begin planning weeks in advance with open hands and say...'God what do you want?' We as a staff along with some help from worship ministry volunteers begin shaping and molding what we believe God is leading us to say...and to live.

Yesterday, I thought at times the roof was going to cave because the praises were being shot out to heaven with such a great passion. We began by looking to God's greatness...His holiness...His awesomeness...and His worthiness of fear. Then we looked at how this great God is so loving. How do you reconcile the God's holiness and God's love....the CROSS! Such a beautiful truth!

So below are the songs we sang and a short synopsis of why we sang them. Though we can't recreate the musical moments here on this blog, knowing the reason we sing songs is helpful in seeing the big story in worship. (I've included a youtube link for those that are available...not necessarily our arrangements...but good arrangements nonetheless)

Hosanna (Praise is Rising) - Paul Baloche - This is a great song to start the service is a beautiful call to worship - 'Praise is Rising...hearts are turning'....'Hosanna' which means 'Save Us.' Our series has been called Fearless....the lyric 'In Your presence all are fears are washed away' hits home with where we have been. When we come to God...well He is greatly to be feared....His big..He's huge...and He is....well so many things. But God constantly says...'fear not.' His perfect love casts out fear.

The next three songs ran back to back to back. We really wanted to paint a picture of God's supremacy, His absolute holiness, and His absolute worthiness.
Agnus Dei (originally written by Michael W. Smith...many have recorded this) This song is a little older...but I think it's words (pretty much straight Scripture) as well as its melody are pretty timeless. Jesus is worthy.
You Are God Alone (Lots of people have recorded this) It has been a while since we have sung this at EBC, but what great truth. In praying over our church, and knowing that many people have walked through some very difficult waters this week, I really sensed that this song would speak to a lot of hurting that is going on in people's hearts. God is a prefect healer...and remembering that He is on his throne in the good and bad does our soul well.
Lord of All (Kristian Stanfill) God is above everything...period! Part of these lyrics came straight from one of our text yesterday Acts 17:24-28)
Praise the Father, Praise the Son (Christ Tomlin) This was new to EBC yesterday. We sang and introduced this during the offertory because it so beautifully bridges the thought of great big God (Yours is the kingdom, power and glory...forever) with His grace and redemption. (and insider's note...if you ever hear a new worship song during the offering at EBC...part of it is probably coming back after the teaching...jsyk!...see below)
Blood Bought Redeemed - No link for this...just a four lined- tag that led into At the Cross. After the teaching this reinforced the truth that though God is perfectly holy and owes us nothing...He gave us everything in His grace and mercy at the cross.
At the Cross (Hillsong) This song rocks my face off! There...said it!. This song is a beautiful story of what happened at the cross...where Christ's love was poured out for us. It shows how God's holiness is reconciled with His love.'You tore the veil/You made a way/When You said that 'it is done.' We capped this with the bridge and chorus of Praise the Father Praise the Son. "Yours is the kingdom and the power and glory....FOREVER!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcoming Michael Rogers - minister to students - our newest staff team member!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

It is hard to believe that summer is already half-way through! there have been some incredible things that have happened already this summer at EBC...and even more to come. Where to start?

How about with VBS? Last week here at Saddle Ridge Ranch we had kids and adults all over the place. Kids were learning that when we have questions, God has all the answers. During the week several kids committed their lives as followers of Christ...awesome!

We capped off the week with an incredible night with the Daraja Children's Choir from Kenya. If you were here, you know the roof was raised as these kids led us in worship. It was simply amazing!

Our summer small groups are in full swing and we are journeying through the second half of Acts in groups and in worship on Sunday mornings. Many of our groups are spending their summers serving the world.

To date EBC families have sponsored over 40 children in the Mpolonjeni community of Swaziland as we have launched a beautiful new partnership through World Vision. Our goal of helping to fund a water treatment facility should hopefully be fulfilled sometime this fall!

Our kids are attending C3 Kid's Camp this week in Niceville. Every afternoon when they get back, these kids can't stop talking about what they have experienced during the week.

I told you there were crazy things happening!!!...and there is more to come!

Michael Rogers will be coming on board our staff team as our Student Minister. He has started moving in his office and getting things set up!

Student Life Camp is rolling the last week of July. This week is truly unforgettable in the lives of our students.

Some of you may have gotten a 'save the date' card in the mail for Unleashed on Saturday August 14th. If you are a leader in any role at EBC or you are interested in leadership, you will not want to miss this incredible training event1

ok...that's a long list of what's going on...but hey...God is moving...and we are on the journey with Him. Continue seeking Him well...loving Him well...and serving Him well.

Enjoy this video from is what we showed in worship this past Sunday!

Monday, May 24, 2010

This is a video produced by Hillsong that we showed in worship yesterday. Indeed the needs are surrounding. The question we posed yesterday was this: How do leverage everything we have to sow generously for the kingdom of God. 2 Cor. 6.

It was so exciting to launch our new partnership with Swaziland through World Vision. Here's what is even cooler...God has already been at work. Yesterday, we got to hear those stories. Shelters in communities fully funded...and next a water treatment facility. Yesterday the body at EBC snatched up 25 beautiful kids from these same communities to sponsor...yeah, we ran out! Our call is already in to World Vision for more kids.

It is awesome to be a part of a church whose heart breaks for the outcast, forgotten, and lost. Let's continue on the journey of relying on the sufficiency of Christ and giving our lives to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted high!

Monday, May 17, 2010

We are rapidly coming to the close of our series Awakening. It has been an incredible journey remembering the life God has called His people to find and live in Christ. I am simply amazed at the great things God is doing in people. Just last night I was talking to someone who had just gone to their first small group ever...and they loved it. It is so cool to see people growing in faith and finding life while connecting with others.

Yesterday, after services I had conversations with several folks who were sharing how God has recently been changing their perspective on life. As we ventured through 'Serve the World' yesterday, God gave us all a poignant reminder that those who love Him, also love others...and that flows out of us as we give our lives to see Jesus lifted high. Some people wanted to see it again, so below is the video we made and showed yesterday in worship....challenging facts that paint a huge picture for of the need for us to live and love like Jesus...

you have been you have been for Him!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Phenomenal time of worship this past Sunday...celebrating the fact that in Christ, we belong to Him, and we belong to each other...we are a community, a family, and as 1 Peter says... a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, called to proclaim the greatness of the One who has called us out of darkness and into his glorious light.

These are lyrics to a song we sang this past weekend. Several folks have asked about it. It is a beautiful prayer and call for the church to live out Jesus' words of John be His agents of love and redemption. Someone even suggested it become our EBC theme. you can download it on itunes. enjoy!
By Our Love - Christy Nockles
Brothers, let us come together
Walking in the Spirit, there's much to be done...
We will come reaching, out from our comforts
And they will know us by our love...

Sisters, we were made for kindness
We can pierce the darkness as He shines through us...
We will come reaching, with a song of healing...
And they will know us by our love!

The time is now Come Church arise...
Love with His hands See with His eyes...
Bind it around you,Let it never leave you,
And they will know us by our love...

Children, You are hope for justice,
Stand firm in the Truth now, set your hearts above
You will be reaching, long after we’re gone,
And they will know you by your love!

The time is now Come Church arise...
Love with His hands See with His eyes...
Bind it around you,Let it never leave you,
And they will know us by our love...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Healing is in Your Hands

Well, we let the cat out of the bag yesterday...Jesus is still alive! He didn't go back into the tomb and wait until next Easter to pop out again! He is alive. He is reigning. He is good. He is God!
So the question is this: After Easter are we living like He is alive? Are we living like He is with us? Has the enormity of His power, the perfection of His beauty, and goodness of His grace gripped our hearts?

Yesterday, I know God was working. I could sense that He was bringing freedom to many. I could tell that He was calling many to deeper levels of trust. I know that He was revealing His majesty to many. He was healing broken hearts. He was leading people to repentance. He was moving. Isn't it so good that God moves...that He is active...that He won't let us settle...or be the same?

Here are the lyrics to the new song Healing is in Your Hands that we sang in worship yesterday. They are based on the truth we read in Romans 8. Nothing can separate us from His love. Let's rest in that promise and walk in the truth that in Christ, we are MORE than conquerors.

No mountain, no valley,
no gain or loss we know
could keep us from Your love

No sickness, no secret,
no chain is strong enough
to keep us from Your love
to keep us from Your love

How high, how wide
No matter where I am, healing is in Your hands
How deep, How strong,
And now by Your grace I stand,
healing is in Your hands

Our present, our future,
our past is in Your hands
We're covered by Your blood
We're covered by Your blood

How high, How wide
no matter where I am, healing is in Your hands
How deep, How strong
And now by Your grace I stand,
healing is in Your hands

In all things we know that
we are more than conquerors
You keep us by Your love
You keep us by Your love

Much love....and growing in grace...

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

How good is God? So good!

this past Sunday was simply sublime! Services packed and from start to finish Jesus was lifted high and the church just rocked out loving Him well. Love it! The empty grave is singing's shouting out...


I don't know how you spent Easter afternoon, but we were so blessed to spend the afternoon with our small group family, grilling out, kids running everywhere, and enjoying the beautiful life we share together in Christ. It's all because of Jesus!

A huge thought that hit me yesterday.... a few weeks ago we focused on the question "Who do you say that I am?" This was a question Jesus asked some of His followers when they questioned who He was and what He was doing. We read story after story of things Jesus said and things Jesus did and over and over it said: "And the crowd was amazed at Him,"..."And they marveled at His teaching,"..."and they were astounded by Him."

So yesterday, camped out in Luke 7 (also found in Matthew 8)..Jesus finds a centurion (a Roman officer who is in chard of a hundred men) who has a servant who is sick. People speak very well of the centurion to Jesus, telling Jesus that He is a stand-up guy, making a case for why Jesus should help him.

Jesus comes upon the centurion's house and the centurion basically says to Jesus: "Please don't come into my house because I'm not worthy. But Jesus, I know who you are...and I believe everything I have heard about you is true. I know you don't even have to come into my house to heal my servant. You can just speak and it will be done. I believe in you.

The next phrase gets me. "When Jesus heard this, he marveled at him..." Can you imagine Jesus, the Son of God; our Savior; our Lord; marveling at our level of faith? That's just wild! Jesus being astounded at how much we trust Him. So I wonder would he?

What impossible thing am I trusting God with? How am I walking in faith? Would Jesus be pleased with how much I trust Him?

Let's have big faith in Him because He is a great big God. We have tasted and seen....we have heard and we know...He is able!

Faith moves...Hope sees...Love gives...


Monday, March 29, 2010

It is Easter Week! Yesterday in worship we answered question two of three in our series 'III.' 'My God why have you forsaken me?' Our sin demanded the sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus. Jesus paid our debt in full and now we are called into His life. Yesterday, was a beautiful celebration of grace as we came to the cross, came to the table and celebrated the abundant life we have in Christ. I love worshiping God! I really love worshiping God at Emmanuel! I love that we get to laugh, sing, cry, pray, grow, live life, and just enjoy God together! He moves in powerful ways here all the time...I'm still singing "You're worthy. You're worthy. You're worthy. You're worthy to be praised forever and a day!"

This week students are on spring break (as I came into church this morning I was greeted by a ton of students who were here all night sleeping outside in cardboard boxes for Interrupted) and many of you will take some time out to relax. Some of you will keep working like every other week. This week we want to take time as a church and be intentional about remembering. Let's remember who God is...what He has done...His incredible love...His indescribable mercy...His unshakable power...the beautiful cross...the empty tomb...let's remember.

At the close of worship yesterday we challenged everyone to take time to remember the Easter story...the story that changes our lives, not just one day a year, but every day of the year! Parents read the story with your kids. Explain to them why Jesus had to die...and why He was willing to do it. Teach your families the Gospel. Let's be reminded just how good He is! Below is a list of daily readings that will take you from the Triumphal Entry, to the cross, to the the empty tomb. Read these, talk about them, and come ready Easter Sunday to celebrate our Risen King

Monday Mark 11:1-25
Tuesday Mark 11:27-33, 12:28-54
Wednesday Mark 14:1-26
Thursday Mark 14:27-72
Friday Mark 15:1-41
Saturday Mark 15:1-47
Sunday Mark 16:1-16

The empty grave is singing out its shouting out...He is alive! He is alive! And we are free!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can we just take a moment and celebrate some big wins going on right now in the life of our church....?

Last Sunday, 9 people let the world know that they are on the journey of faith and are committed followers of Christ as they plunged the baptismal waters. The old person is dead, now alive in Christ.

We saw such a beautiful picture of how God's love works, as the Stapp family stood before the church and dedicated their newly adopted (and so ridiculously cute) daughter, Eliana. If you weren't there, get Joe to tell you the story. I think the whole church was in tears. God's grace is so stunning!

Life change is happening. We have gotten some amazing stories back of how God is changing people's lives. One story in particular someone shared was how coming to EBC was the first time they had ever truly understood God's love and the truth of the Gospel. How cool is that?

I had the chance to walk around the campus last night and snap some pictures of ministry in action. It was a beautiful thing. I saw some preschoolers super-engaged in learning Bible stories. I aw our elementary Puggles praying together. Our students were being taught Christian worldview and the truth of God's Word. A group of men gathered together for accountability, fellowship, and time in the Word. Small groups off campus....and tons of volunteers here on campus seeing that it all gets done. What a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ at work.

We finished up our series Great Expectations with a band. Here are the truths we are walking away with...let's live them out. Our faith isn't something we talk about. It is something we live. Faith it!
Learn to Trust - God turns fear into Faith
Look up to Worship - God turns Pride into Worship
Love God more - God turns Lust into Love
Leave history where it belongs - God transforms guilt with truth
Let go, because Jesus did - God turns unforgiveness into grace-full forgiveness
Learn to wait - God turns our impatience into trust, trust in His perfect timing and perfect plan.

Let's walk in these truths, living by faith, and showing that our God truly is greater!

In grace and for glory...

Monday, March 01, 2010

I am not sure who said the following, but it is an awesome statement. 'The cross is the great equalizer of all men.' I'm not sure if that is a direct quote or a paraphrase. I just know I've heard it, and I can't take credit for it. But man, is it ever true. No matter age, stage, economic status, race, nationality, intelligence...we are all on equal ground at the cross.

This Sunday was challenging. I know it was hard for many. I think it is sometimes easier to understand the truth of our forgiveness of sin in Christ than it is to forgive others. There were some great moments in worship yesterday that I think we need to remember as we journey on the road of forgiveness and being conformed to the image of our Savior:

- How we can look at the cross and see our Savior and His blood shed for our sin, and then turn and look at our neighbor, friend, or enemy with any kind of bitterness or unforgiveness?

- We never quite as much like Christ as when we forgive.

- Our forgiveness of others does not condone their actions, rather it releases us to the life God is calling us to.

- Our command to forgive is not contingent upon someone else's apology or change of behavior.

- Bitterness only gives the illusion of control. We think we are making people 'pay' for what they have done by harboring bitterness. Truthfully, we are only making ourselves pay by forfeiting the peace God gives and failing to forgive for His glory.

- It glorifies God when we forgive. Our forgiveness toward others is an act of worship and demonstrates that we truly comprehend the message of the Gospel. We can't forgive others unless we understand that we are forgiven in Christ.

Lyrics to one of the songs we sang: "I can forgive as I've been forgiven/show the mercy that is shown me/not just for my sake/but for Your glory/sets me free/now I'm free.

Our memory verses this week: Colossians 3:12-13
Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

We have been shown incredibly mercy. Mercy and grace that we didn't deserve. Let's not delay in showing others this same mercy and grace. It could be the thing that God uses to bring them to Himself.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Grace is so mind-blowingly, surreally, amazing. To think that we have a God who is so big, so great, and so powerful; a God who is holy; a God who is perfect; a God who for the sake of His glory would literally become sin on the cross so that we might have righteousness - to think about that just makes you melt in awe and worship.

This is a glorious, just, righteous, and loving God who takes the guilt of His children upon Himself. How beautiful.

These are words to a song by Aaron Keyes that we sang in worship yesterday. Read them. Let them soak in. Let the Spirit of God remind you that you are His. you are bought with a price. Forever His. Let that truth transform the way you live, the way you think, the way you believe.

Live with 'great expectations' of a great, all-powerful God.

It doesn’t matter what You’ve done;
It doesn't matter where you're coming from
Doesn’t matter where you’ve been,
Hear me tell you I forgive

You’re not guilty anymore, You're not filthy anymore,
I love you, mercy is yours
You're not broken anymore, You're not captive anymore
I love you, mercy is yours

Can you believe that this is true, Grace abundant I am giving you
Cleansing deeper than you know, All was paid for long ago

There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Jesus

You are spotless You are holy
You are faultless You are whole
You are righteous You are blameless
You are pardoned You are mine

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sticky Statements

This past Sunday was wildly, insanely good...can I get an uh-huh? From the kick-off with Schizophrenic Love to the landing where we asked God to sift our hearts to help us to be satisfied in Him alone...God was at work. I love seeing Him move in big ways through His church.

We have a phrase that we use here in the office at church: Sticky Statement. A sticky statement is a phrase or sentence that captures a big idea in a way that makes a huge concept tangible and relative...example from the past: direction not intention determines destination.

So a Sticky Statement from this past Sunday that I've been ruminating on:
- The promise of sin is that we can find satisfaction apart from God

Doesn't this sentence say so much? Think about any sin you struggle with and boil it down to its root. It all comes down to trying to find satisfaction in something or someone other than God.

Imagine you are in a large field, and across that field is a lamppost. You stare intently at the lamppost and take a step. With eyes unwavering off of the goal, stride by stride, you are closer and closer to the destination. With laser-like focus you stare down the lamppost until the finish line. You have reached the lamppost.

Now imagine looking at the lamppost, then putting on a blindfold, spinning around 7 times and then setting out to find the lamppost. Pretty hard to do! Wouldn't it be easier just to keep your eyes on the goal and keep walking toward it?

But don't we do this with faith...we take our eyes off of Christ and pursue whatever our hearts desire, and only when we come up empty (again!) do we run back. What if we never took our eyes off the prize? What if we said, I will not be satisfied by anyone or anything except the living water of Jesus Christ. What if we didn't settle for anything less than the abundance of life that Jesus promised?

What if we really believed that we are really loved by God the way that He says He loves us? This week's memory verse is Romans 5:8...For God demonstrates His love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He alone will satisfy us. So why are we so prone to be content with anything less than Himself?

Aren't you glad God doesn't love like we do? Our love wavers. His love never fails. Our love is conditional. His love never ends. When we have this perspective how could we ever want anything less than what He offers?

Let's pray this week to be forever changed by the love of God...and to turn it around and give that love away to a world that needs to know the love of Jesus.

Monday, February 08, 2010

We're back...after a long hiatus...the EBC blog is back!

The past few months have been...well...they have been a journey here at EBC. As with every journey that God leads there are times of incredible joy and wonder as we simply marvel at how God works. There are hard days and times when we sometimes wonder exactly what God is up to. But at the end of the day, it has been utterly amazing to be a part of the movement of God in and through EBC.

Yesterday was just another example of how God moves and works. The atmosphere in worship yesterday was...well, it was just heavenly. Dealing with the subject of pride, as we talked about, planned, and prepared worship for yesterday, we just kept landing at this conclusion: The greatest cure for human pride is to marvel at the greatness of God. So that is what we did.

You know what squashes my pride?
- Knowing the severity of my sinful state required the death of Christ
- Knowing that I didn't wake up this morning and choose to have was given to me by a gracious and good God
- When I look up at the stars (like last night's beautiful sky) and think...the best I can do is light a match and start a fire...God you light the stars and know them all by name...You spin planets in motion
- Knowing that I am not in control of things...God is

I can keep going...but it all goes back to the verse we landed on:
Micah 6:8 - He has shown you o man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Your God.

Can that just be our prayer this week? Can we seek to know Him more? Can we seek to honor Him by walking humbly? Can we practice faith as not just a noun, but a verb.

Let's put Micah 6:8 into action and watch God at work.