Monday, November 24, 2008

Several thoughts that are painfully challenging me of late...

- Proverbs 30.7-9....Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is my Lord?'

- I may die today. Arrange my life around what matters the most. Begin now!

- Life is a vapor.

- A man by his sin may waste himself, which is to waste that which on earth is most like God. This is man's greatest tragedy and God's heaviest grief.' - Tozer

- Christmas is intended to spark a revolution. It's a conspiracy. I am praying that my life is arranged around what matters the most. Chan writes in Crazy Love, 'a friend of mine has a particularly wise perspective on this subject (death). He was asked if he weren't spending too much of his time serving and giving away too much. His gentle but honest response was, "I wonder if you'll say that after we're dead."

- Read Proverbs 30.7-9 again.... It's a revolutionary prayer. A conspiracy!

I love you guys and I am praying for an incredible Thanksgiving across our fellowship. I am also praying that we show up next weekend with tons of food in hand and many homes having food through the season because we worship @ EBC. "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat." - Jesus

Happy Thansgiving,

Monday, November 17, 2008

I've been thinking about character in light of Daniel. Daniel 6.4 says that Daniel was incorruptible. There was nothing corrupt about him and he was not negligent. If character really is the willingess to do what is right, as defined by God, regardless the personal cost, then Daniel was loaded with character.

I am thinking that it would be pretty amazing to have something similar said about me. I have an aspiration that I am asking God to bring about in my own life. I am asking Him to draw me into such a radical intimacy with Him that there is simply nothing corrupt about me. Even more importantly, I am not negligent. My life is captured by the desire to actively live out the glorious presence and Person of Jesus Christ! When I see hungry, I am not negligent. Thirsty... no negligence. Suffering... zero negligence. Apathy, I bring life. Needs..... no negligence.

So, I'm praying that God will compel me toward a life of character, conviction, and truth. I long to be incorruptible. I don't think that is remotely feasible apart from a depth of intimacy with Jesus Christ. I know that I cannot possibly hope for life incorruptible apart from the context of community. Character is forged in the life of the Christ follower most profoundly in the community of faith. It could be quite fun and quite world changing to share life with a bunch of people who long to be transformed by the life of Jesus Christ. Let's go for it!

Christ is life. Life is a conspiracy. The next few weeks will be incredible around EBC!!! Life Conspiracy is here!

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Never doubt in the darkness what God has spoken in the light! This past weekend was remarkable as we explored what a life of conviction and truth might look like and how it might play out for each of us. What could happen if we responded far less based upon emotion and feeling and far more on truth and conviction? Really, what could happen in those times when we just don't 'feel' like living with character (darkness), yet we respond based upon the truth of His Word and the truth of who we are in Christ and the truth of His life imprinted on our very own?

This weekend, Kricket launched her birthday conspiracy part II. THE SEQUEL. Kricket threw a party for her birthday (I'm thinking that it was #9 b-day) and she invited her friends. Just like last year, she did not ask for presents, but instead asked that the kids bring food for the hungry in Crestview. She collected over 200 cans of food. Don came by this morning to pick up our canned food given this weekend and heard the story. He came back by later today and said to me, "I tried to tell the story about the little girl who threw a party for those who are hungry... I tried to tell it down at Caring and Sharing, but I kept crying." I hope to add a picture to this story in the next couple of days. I hope that I can learn to be just a bit more like Christ as I watch an amazing 9 year old kid.

Sunday evening was crazy beautiful. Grills cooking. Kids playing. People laughing. Games going. We had a beautiful display of church. The tailgate fest was amazing and fun and it was just 'right'! Personally, I just loved the unhurried conversation that flowed out of that night. No rush.. just a rib in one hand and a friend to talk with beside me. Life was good! I hope to add a few pictures in the next few days from the gathering as well.
Advent Conspiracy kicks off this weekend. Gear up. Pray up. It might be bigger than a season of advent! Perhaps God is calling us toward a life conspiracy!! Enjoy today. I love sharing this journey toward Christ with you guys!!

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, November 03, 2008

Really been hanging around the question, 'what do you want?' I am asking God what makes me weep.... mourn... sing.... fast.... Honestly, what do I want? I've really enjoyed asking God what He wants so that I will know that what I want aligns with His wants! I think that the next few weeks will be quite compelling. I think that the next few weeks will really set the stage for the Advent Conspiracy.

Two thoughts will thread our next few weeks. Andy Stanley defined character as the willingness to do what is right, as defined by God, regardless the personal cost. Out of that truth, I long to live with much less reliance on 'emotion and feeling' and much more on conviction and truth.

When conviction and truth permeate my decision making, I just don't think that I will be easily deviated from my passion as a Christ-follower. I know that I 'want' this much.... I want to find my Calcutta and pour my life out there. I want to weep and fast and pray and hope and find, over and over, that I get to lay all of my life on the line for the glory of Christ.

Enjoy an amazing week. What do you want?

By Grace... For Glory,
