Monday, July 31, 2006


I love James.... He writes in a letter found in the Bible that truly contented people are those who carefully study God's Word and that Word makes people free. They don't forget what they have heard, but they apply what they hear to their lives. Those who do this will be free!

I love freedom. I think God loves freedom. God has, at the very depths of His core, a passion to free each of us to become..... to become a people who are actually growing and morphing into the character and likeness of Himself. It is His goal that we are free to worship... to live for truth.... to grow in compassion.... to see and respond to the needs of others - hungry fed, homeless given a roof, widow nurtured, imprisoned loved..... a plethora of things that are beautiful, wonderful, and amazing about our God actually become in us. We kicked the idea around that change does not happen because a group of us sit around and have wonderful intellectual debates about truth...its veracity.... and develop a few thoughts about truth. Instead, God is inviting us, not merely to truth.. but to truth applied. James says, (James seems to be a pretty smart cookie) that we are not just to hear about God and His Word. We are actually to DO something with it! When we do something with truth, it changes us from the inside out.

I shared with you guys that there have been manifold moments when God has used His truth to change the trajectory of my life. A massive part of my personal spiritual growth has been the process of replacing lies with truth.... of allowing the truth of who I am in Christ to define me..... of finding that I had some pretty nasty definitions of who I am and God has some pretty amazing things to say about me. Because I (we) are totally committed to change (change = being transformed into the character and likeness of Christ), then we must be committed to a deep level of passion for God and His Word. So, as we read His Word we are expecting, and in fact looking for application. It's critical that we write an action step.... an application. That action step could be personal - involving you..... practical - something you can do..... passionate - something new about God. Every application will involve either a relationship to God... to others... or to your character. Honestly, it could become quite amazing, exciting, and world changing (I do not type those words lightly!) when a group of followers of Jesus Christ share deep passion for applying truth..... living in truth.... and allowing truth (the person of Jesus Christ and His character) to shape their impact in this earth. You want to talk about releasing on earth what is happening in heaven...... that happens when we are about change and change is about truth applied!!

Maybe, just maybe Hebrews 11.5 could become a reality. Is it possible that you and I could actually be like Enoch? Enoch walked so passionately with God and the character of God became so one with Enoch's character that the two were indistinguishable. Enoch simply faded into God (or did God pour into Him?) and he just walked off this earth. As we study Paul in Philippians 3.15 and Paul lays this massive gauntlet... "Live to what you currently know.... Live to who you are in Christ!".... He is challenging us to make application of what we currently know about Christ... about you.... and about how to two might mesh. He is also writing this out of his depths of passion to know Christ (v.11) at the deepest levels of intimacy. Like Paul, I want to know Christ... to be so stinkin' inseparable from Christ that you can't distinguish us. I actually want to believe that I could be like Enoch. I want to believe that...... I want to know God... and then apply what I know. Knowledge + Application could be radically "Enochlike". Yeah!

Add to the commentary by clicking on comments below. Enjoy a great week.

Mark (the Enoch wannabe)

Monday, July 24, 2006


Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. -- Jesus (Matt 11.28 MSG)

What does it look like to be tuned to the rhythm of God's grace? Jesus asks if I am tired or burned out on religion? He then says, "Come to me." I can embrace an invitation like that because I am tired... at times I am exhausted. I know... I mean I really know that I cannot live out this whole thing called the faith without Him. It really exhausts me to try. I loved it yesterday as we watched the "Rhythm" video and heard Rob Bell share a few thoughts about being in rhythm with God. It's such a beautiful image to consider myself joining with and even playing my own unique rift in this amazing song of heaven. This song that God has been playing for a long time.... it seems that the song has and will play forever.

You know, I was thinking about the song... about the intrumentalists.... about the skill level... about the nuance of the song.... about what it might look like to be an 'instrument of grace' in the hand of God. Having dabbled with playing the guitar and having played the sax for quite a few years, I recognize that I don't just pick up my guitar and immediately begin strumming with a level of excellence. It seems to me that being attuned to the song of God, there is the divine reality and the human responsibility. There is a process in my becoming a part of the song... of becoming all that God created me to be.

This thought is the human side of divine change. Transformation is both the miracle of God and the stewardship of man. Becoming like Christ... His character... His passion... His truth.... His compassion... it's the result of divine activity and human action. There is miracle... Wow, is there ever miracle and there is also responsibility. I really have to ask if I expect to change. Do I expect to watch as the character of Christ explodes into my life. In fact, I have to take that a step further and live totally committed to change. (Phil 3.15 MSG). It is my responsibility to posture my life in that manner. It is our responsibility to leave God all the margins He needs to teach us about Himself, His purposes, and His ways.... to teach us His song.

You know, If I don't achieve my God-given potential, it's not just a bad thing... not just a bit of a letdown. Jesus tells this challenging story in Matt 25. He says to each of us, I have given you gifts. Now, what will you do with them? If I don't tap into and live abandoned to my divine potential, Jesus has pretty strong feelings about that reality. He calls that action 'wicked'... an abomination. He thinks that is a pretty serious deal. The servant in this story was declared wicked when what he could have done was measured against what he did. When we neglect our God-given capacity and refuse to maximize our potential, it is detestable in the sight of God.

Yikes! So, I think I have to ask if I expect to change.... maybe even deeper than that, am I totally committed to allowing the character, person, and passion of Christ to become my life... my essence. I want to become like Christ. I want to love... to live with compassion.... generosity.... truth..... I want to move in the rhythm of His grace. I want to know Him! That will involve my daily decisions and choices and how I posture my life.

In a nutshell, it seems that God thinks that my life... our lives... they are instruments of grace. He actually thinks that our lives are intended to be lived in rhythm with His grace. He even thinks that the rhythm is unforced and learned from Him. Hmmmmm...... perhaps the choice that I make in this process of change is the choice to know Him. .... not about Him... not another story.... but Him. Jesus says, 'walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.' I want to..... I think I will. I want to change. I want to be totally committed to change.

Add to the commentary by clicking on comments below. Let's 'change' together.... the song sounds amazing!


Sunday, July 16, 2006


Amblings, Ramblings, and thoughts from the weekend of July 16,2006

Who or what do I illuminate with my life? Illuminate defined - to brighten with light; to make lucid; clarify; to make resplendent. Before we can move into a life that is far outside the norm.... a life that is radically impacted by the presence, person, and passion for Christ, we must determine who or what our life illuminates. What do we brighten or make clear or, even better, make resplendent? I love the Message translation of the Bible and Jesus says "You and I are here to be light. We are here to bring out the God colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept." (Matt 5.16) I am really asking myself, who or what do I illuminate? Do I bring out the God colors in this earth? Over the next seven weeks, we will dive deeply into the practical outworkings of a life impassioned for the kingdom of God. We will evaluate our lives via the plumbline of Philippians 3.15-21. Yet, we will be remiss to assess our lives before we wrestle with what or who our lives illuminate.

The visual for the next seven weeks is beautiful. At the front and center of our worship room is a simple candle and the bread of life beneath it. It will be compelling to view our lives through the lens of God's Word as we look at an physical representation of a huge spiritual reality simultaneously. As the 'church'... the ekklesia... the 'called out' who long to ignite and inspire passion for Jesus Christ, our role is intensely simple. We are to illuminate the bread of life. We are God's lampstand and at the base of the lamp must be one thing... the person, the glory, the reality of the presence of God that brings intentionality and intensity to everything that we are about in life. It's weighty.... It's incredible.... It's exciting..... It's the glory of God that is at stake. So, I.. we have to wrestle with who or what we illuminate in life. I love the way Lucado writes that God's to do list consists of one item - Reveal my glory.... Heavens framed mission statement of life's purpose and focus is Declare God's glory.

So, I am following the trail of my time, possessions, passions, life choices, energy and evaluating what I find at the end of that trail. I am finding that some of what I illuminate is not really that pretty...... some things I want to discard.... and with the deepest part of my heart, I want my life to be very simple. As God reveals His glory to me, I want to make loud declaration of His glory, His character, His fame in every arena. I am quite primed about the next seven weeks. I am primed about the idea of a 'breakaway' life and the desire to live, move, and have my being outside the norm. It is my passion and prayer that I... and that all of us at EBC are 'breakaway' and believe at our deepest core that there is 'far more to this life for us.' I want to walk down the trail of my life and find at the end one throne..... one thing at the base of my lamp... Christ. He's more than enough!

We should have a fun seven week journey through Breakaway. We will settle into this thought... There is far more to life for us! --- 3.20 Hey, wasn't it sweet to celebrate 300 kids in the Arctic Edge, 30+ of whom embraced the story of God; a team returning from Brazil; 2 teams heading to Pine Island and Central Asia; our Daytona partnership pastor in the house.... and incredible worship at EBC?!? What a day yesterday. If you haven't checked out our Brazil team, try on - Good reading!

God is amazing. Illuminate Him!

Feel free to add to the commentary by clicking on comments below. Enjoy today.


Two weeks of no stress..... good life.... playing..... enjoying my folks.... enjoying life..... 3 days and 2 night of just Susan and me celebrating 15 years of marital bliss (hubba hubba!!!)... It's been a great time to download life and play with kids and enjoy God. I had this rule of thumb - no 'heavy' books.... no work thoughts... no planning. Yeah, it was good. About 11 days into the journey, Susan and I were sitting on the beach at sunset and watching our kids build sandcastles and I (we) were just blown away by our God. He is good.... truly good. I just sensed His presence, goodness, passion. I just heard Him whisper of His love and of His joy for life.... for my life.

I think I had a few thoughts at that moment. I rarely find time to 'sabbath' on a regular basis. I believe that God is inviting me to find a day to unplug, turn off my cell, turn off the TV, forget e mail and to really just be His on a weekly basis. As I look at the life of Christ, I see a man who made pretty radical impact (might that be the understatement of the year?!) I also see a man who spent much time 'away' and attuned to the voice of His Father. I want to hear His voice... to sense His touch.... to trust His move.... to experience that 'right' feeling when I know I am in the middle of God. Yes, that can happen on an extended vacation. But, I think God really wants me to make a bit more space for Him. I think I have found a day that will be sabbath for me. A day where I am God's.... I am with my family.... and I unplug from all else. I think that is a biblical mandate and even more profoundly, a spiritual necessity. My heart beats with an even deeper longing to know Him.

Returning to the joy of Emmanuel was even greater. The Brazil team has returned with manifold stories of God's grace and goodness. The Arctic Edge was in full swing upon return and we hit the ground running. 30+ kids moving their lives into the epic story of God is pretty sweet! The Pine Island team left this morning to venture to the Islands and to watch as they rejoice through the Arctic Edge. The Central Asian team will fly out Monday and prayer walk with much anticipation for God to plant a home church in every county in that nation (a nation that professes to be 100% muslim!). Adding team members to our staff..... seeking a person to work with our kids..... amping up to rejuvenate in Philippians.... it's a great return!

So, here we go. The thrill of asking God to leave deep imprint for His glory and His fame. Here we go, recognizing that it is Christ in me.... Christ in you that is our only hope of living for the glory. Let's live, move, and have our being for His fame alone. That will be sweet, eternal, and worthwhile! It's good to be back.
