Monday, November 14, 2011

We've moved...
Future blog posts will be on the EBC Bridge Worship Page

See you there!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It is incredible as a church leader to see people in your church follow their God-given passions and desires and seek to make a difference. One of our families in our church is so incredibly passionate about raising up a generation of young men to be Godly leaders and influencers. The Stapp family along with help from friends and family are producing a documentary based on Joe's creation of a 'Rite of Passage' for his sons. The footage has been shot and right now they are raising funds to have the film edited and produced. Check it out here...

Monday, October 03, 2011

If you missed this past Sunday's teaching, be sure and check it out @

"Don't trade the ultimate for the immediate."

As Christ-followers, we care called to live for a greater purpose than the immediate. Of course, the immediate, the right-now, is important...crucial. But, the truth is the ultimate should shape the right now.

The ultimate is this...Jesus Christ...His glory...His fame...His renown...His presence with us...

But sometimes, we just simply become short-sighted. We lose focus of that which is most beautiful, most worthy, and most satisfying.

Thankfully, our God is a God who pursues, loves, and offers grace. And when our eyes are fixed on Him, we begin to see the immediate, and all of its chaos and need, in light of the ultimate. Let us be a people who live in light of the ultimate...the glory of Jesus!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I am incredibly excited about some things that God is doing here at Emmanuel. Talking to one small group leader of students last night on the concourse, he shared how last night in their group, one of students accepted Christ. Awesome! Small groups for all ages are in full gear and this fall we have launched several new groups. In our Sunday morning worship encounters you can sense the Spirit moving as we have walked through our series Authority Issues and we have seen a bigger picture of an all-powerful God who is involved in every intricate detail of our lives. We have had many new families visiting, some new to Crestview, others coming on the arms of friends who are investing the Gospel into their lives.

God is at work! It is a joy to be on the journey as He leads.

If you have visited with us, we hope you found a place where people are sincere in their faith and expression of that faith. We hope you see that we are church that is serious about following Jesus and living passionately for His glory...all in response to the incredible love and grace He has shown us.

Our vision is simple...we exist to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ. We exist so that the name of Jesus would be known here in Crestview and around the world. We exist so broken people can experience the Savior who can make them whole. We exist so the broken family can be restored...the abused can be healed...the despairing can know hope...the 'religious' can be freed in relationship with that the nations will hear the saving name of Jesus...we exist for the glory of God!

God is working an incredible story through the people of Emmanuel. For those of you just checking things out we'd love to invite you on the journey. You can partner with us in making Jesus known. He is worth it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's time for fall kick-off! While the temperature outside isn't a good indication, summer is winding down, and fall is fast approaching. For Emmanuel, that means small groups are back on...small groups for adults, students, kids, and preschoolers! We believe in small groups. We believe that Scripture teaches us that we grow best when in real, authentic community. We believe that community happens best in a small group...we simply aren't meant to do some things alone...

If you are interested in getting connected into a small group, please email Kara, our small groups coordinator at kara@ebccrestview.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I am not the same. I'm a new creation.
I am not the same anymore.
I am not ashamed. I will not be shaken.
I am not the same anymore. Based on 2 Cor. 5:17

As we sang these lines in worship Sunday, I couldn't help but we get this? Do we really understand what we are singing? I mean, really, I certainly believe this to be true, but I think that honestly, this truth is so just kind of blows my mind.

We aren't just 'improved.'
We aren't just better versions or ourselves.
We aren't Meversion 2.0.

We are new...completely recreated. I am reminded of a song by Gungor called Beautiful Things. It simply says...You make beautiful things out of dust...You make beautiful things out of us.

Stop and thank God right now that He has made, is making, and continues to make you into something beautiful. We are indeed 'works in progress.' Revel and marvel in the goodness that is his love...that He knows everything about you, even the things no one else does...and He still offers grace. Worship Him because He is the one who sets us free from condemnation, guilt, and shame.

We have been rescued and are now new creations...called to declare His goodness and his glory. So let's give great chase to seeking Him, seeing Him, knowing Him, loving Him, and living for Him...all because He first loved us.

We aren't the let's live as new creations!

Monday, June 27, 2011

the past two weeks we've been journeying through a series called
'Hello, My Name is...________.' It has been a great examination of 1 Peter 2 and our identity in Christ.

A name says a lot. Have you ever called someone the wrong name? It's embarrassing because our names our so closely tied to our identities. how do you feel when someone calls you the wrong name? We may brush it off, but deep down we might feel a little offended. Why? Because names are personal.

Scripture gives several examples of God changing people's names after they had a life-altering encounter with Him. The same Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai, Sarah. Saul is miraculously transformed, and becomes known as Paul.

the same is true for us today. God changes names. No longer are we broken - outcast - failure - sinner...we are now whole - complete - saint - sons and daughters. That is our identity. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are new creations...not better versions of ourselves...we are NEW PEOPLE! That is mind-blowing.

These new names reflect our new identity in Him. The old has gone, and the new has come! So, how has God changed your name?