Monday, July 26, 2010

The Reason...

Every Sunday we gather in worship is a reflection of hours of preparation on many people's part. not just your church staff, but numerous volunteers who give hours of their time because they believe in our vision of igniting and inspiring a passion for Jesus Christ.

Every song we sing, the Scriptures we read, the Word that is taught, the videos we show, and even the moments of hilarity that can happen are part of a Holy spirit-initiated process. We begin planning weeks in advance with open hands and say...'God what do you want?' We as a staff along with some help from worship ministry volunteers begin shaping and molding what we believe God is leading us to say...and to live.

Yesterday, I thought at times the roof was going to cave because the praises were being shot out to heaven with such a great passion. We began by looking to God's greatness...His holiness...His awesomeness...and His worthiness of fear. Then we looked at how this great God is so loving. How do you reconcile the God's holiness and God's love....the CROSS! Such a beautiful truth!

So below are the songs we sang and a short synopsis of why we sang them. Though we can't recreate the musical moments here on this blog, knowing the reason we sing songs is helpful in seeing the big story in worship. (I've included a youtube link for those that are available...not necessarily our arrangements...but good arrangements nonetheless)

Hosanna (Praise is Rising) - Paul Baloche - This is a great song to start the service is a beautiful call to worship - 'Praise is Rising...hearts are turning'....'Hosanna' which means 'Save Us.' Our series has been called Fearless....the lyric 'In Your presence all are fears are washed away' hits home with where we have been. When we come to God...well He is greatly to be feared....His big..He's huge...and He is....well so many things. But God constantly says...'fear not.' His perfect love casts out fear.

The next three songs ran back to back to back. We really wanted to paint a picture of God's supremacy, His absolute holiness, and His absolute worthiness.
Agnus Dei (originally written by Michael W. Smith...many have recorded this) This song is a little older...but I think it's words (pretty much straight Scripture) as well as its melody are pretty timeless. Jesus is worthy.
You Are God Alone (Lots of people have recorded this) It has been a while since we have sung this at EBC, but what great truth. In praying over our church, and knowing that many people have walked through some very difficult waters this week, I really sensed that this song would speak to a lot of hurting that is going on in people's hearts. God is a prefect healer...and remembering that He is on his throne in the good and bad does our soul well.
Lord of All (Kristian Stanfill) God is above everything...period! Part of these lyrics came straight from one of our text yesterday Acts 17:24-28)
Praise the Father, Praise the Son (Christ Tomlin) This was new to EBC yesterday. We sang and introduced this during the offertory because it so beautifully bridges the thought of great big God (Yours is the kingdom, power and glory...forever) with His grace and redemption. (and insider's note...if you ever hear a new worship song during the offering at EBC...part of it is probably coming back after the teaching...jsyk!...see below)
Blood Bought Redeemed - No link for this...just a four lined- tag that led into At the Cross. After the teaching this reinforced the truth that though God is perfectly holy and owes us nothing...He gave us everything in His grace and mercy at the cross.
At the Cross (Hillsong) This song rocks my face off! There...said it!. This song is a beautiful story of what happened at the cross...where Christ's love was poured out for us. It shows how God's holiness is reconciled with His love.'You tore the veil/You made a way/When You said that 'it is done.' We capped this with the bridge and chorus of Praise the Father Praise the Son. "Yours is the kingdom and the power and glory....FOREVER!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcoming Michael Rogers - minister to students - our newest staff team member!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

It is hard to believe that summer is already half-way through! there have been some incredible things that have happened already this summer at EBC...and even more to come. Where to start?

How about with VBS? Last week here at Saddle Ridge Ranch we had kids and adults all over the place. Kids were learning that when we have questions, God has all the answers. During the week several kids committed their lives as followers of Christ...awesome!

We capped off the week with an incredible night with the Daraja Children's Choir from Kenya. If you were here, you know the roof was raised as these kids led us in worship. It was simply amazing!

Our summer small groups are in full swing and we are journeying through the second half of Acts in groups and in worship on Sunday mornings. Many of our groups are spending their summers serving the world.

To date EBC families have sponsored over 40 children in the Mpolonjeni community of Swaziland as we have launched a beautiful new partnership through World Vision. Our goal of helping to fund a water treatment facility should hopefully be fulfilled sometime this fall!

Our kids are attending C3 Kid's Camp this week in Niceville. Every afternoon when they get back, these kids can't stop talking about what they have experienced during the week.

I told you there were crazy things happening!!!...and there is more to come!

Michael Rogers will be coming on board our staff team as our Student Minister. He has started moving in his office and getting things set up!

Student Life Camp is rolling the last week of July. This week is truly unforgettable in the lives of our students.

Some of you may have gotten a 'save the date' card in the mail for Unleashed on Saturday August 14th. If you are a leader in any role at EBC or you are interested in leadership, you will not want to miss this incredible training event1

ok...that's a long list of what's going on...but hey...God is moving...and we are on the journey with Him. Continue seeking Him well...loving Him well...and serving Him well.

Enjoy this video from is what we showed in worship this past Sunday!