Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If you're tracking with our 'ONE Challenge' then this week you've launched in to Deuteronomy. In his recap of Israel's journey out of Egypt, Moses reminds the Israelites of all that God had brought them through. Delivered from slavery, provision in the wilderness, defeat of enemies; God surely did the wild and miraculous.

7:6..."of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure." What did the Israelites do to deserve this status with God? The answer: nothing. God didn't choose them because they were deserving. He chose them because He is gracious.

Fast-forward to chapter 8. Moses tells the Israelites to always remember where they came from and who delivered them. v 14: "Don't become proud at that time [when you prosper] and forge the Lord your God who rescued you from slavery and brought you out of Egypt." Moses is telling everyone...'Hey! Great things are going to happen...your going to have stuff...your flocks are going to grow...your houses will be nice...and don't forget it isn't because of anything you have done. It is because of our God!"

I think this passage is so applicable to us right now. What do we have that didn't first come from Him? I know that I am so tempted to think when something good happens that I must have done something right to earn it. I'm smart enough, talented enough, __(Fill in the blank)__ enough.

But I'm not. I need His grace. I need to remember just how much I need His grace...His 'unexpected grace.' So today...let's just remember.

Romans 11:36 "For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever!"

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Video from worship this past Sunday...along with the song we sang while it played...

Unexpected Grace from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.