Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One moment... one phone call.... things change and the earth tilts and life will not be the same. Two officers in our community gave their lives in a tragic manner, yet as heroes. One of those officers, Burt Lopez, was a friend and a neighbor and a part of Emmanuel and a buddy who watched our daughters 'perform' many a musical and dance. He was a great man.... greatness defined through His love for His wife and His family and His work and, ultimately, His God. The last couple of days have been surreal and they will continue to be as our neighborhood, his co-workers, our church, and His family wrestles with Burt not walking this planet with us. In a couple of days, we will lay Burt's body to rest. It will be an incredible celebration of a life well-lived. It will be a painful time to say 'goodbye' and to mourn. It will be a prolific time to thank God for God and to thank Him for immersing Burt and immersing us in Christ.

I have had a simple thought, as I have walked through the last couple of days. My life could change in a moment. As I listen to story after story about Burt, I hear of a man who loved his kids exceptionally well.... who loved his wife exceptionally well... who valued and cared deeply for his friends.... and who loved us (all of us in Ok. County) so well that he would lay down his life for us. I am thankful to call him a friend. Perhaps the legacy that I am realizing that Burt leaves me is the challenge to live well. It is to consistently do the small things every day in order that those consistent steps of love and respect accrue and accrue and that I will have lived a life that leaves behind a tremendous legacy in the most important things. I have this consuming desire to glory in and to glorify God in very real, express, and tangible ways on this day.

So, today I am asking God to give me exceptional love for those around me...... to give me a disdain for mediocrity..... to give my life as a sacrifice for others.... and to love God and to love those around me with a love that surpasses understanding. That will bring honor to Burt's life and to his death. That will bring honor to Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Because I am made alive with Christ, I will....

Because I am chosen by God, I will.....

Because I am adopted by God, I will....

Because I am complete in Christ, I will.....

Because I am hidden in Christ in God, I will.....

Because I am seated in heaven, I will.....

Yeah, I could list and list and list and list and list and list the amazing truths of who we are in Christ.... who I am in Christ. Colossians 3 leaves me deeply challenged to 'set' my heart and my mind on who I am in Christ. I love the truth that to 'set' means to take possession of who I already am in Him and what is already mine. When I am possessed by Christ and His grace abounds to me, I actually think that it will change everything about my day... my thoughts... my relationships.... my passions.... I will be being transformed. God is so gracious. His grace is wildly sufficient. I love His grace. I love Christ. I love sharing this Christ journey together.

Enjoy this week.

By Grace.... For Glory,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter was so amazing. Friday night, it was beautiful to watch families gather around the cross and to give pause to the amazing work of the cross of Christ. As I was talking with my kids about what we gain through the cross and preparing to share in communion, I listened to other families nail their writings of the joy found in the cross to the cross. The moment is indescribable and incredibly meaningful.

Easter Sunday was so beautiful. We sang songs... read Scripture... were reminded of who we are in Christ..... wore a suit and tie (NOT!)... and celebrated Christ alive. I love being a part of a fellowship that is authentic, thankful, and who revel in the grace of God. His grace is amazing.

Funny, but I woke up this morning and celebrated the resurrected Christ again today. I am thinking that I will do that again tomorrow. I am grateful that I will worship Him for eternity. Christ is life. I am alive because of Him! I share in that life with an amazing group of Christ-followers called the 'church'. That is good!

Happy Easter!!

By Grace... For Glory,

Monday, April 06, 2009

Loving a couple of thoughts.... my life is hidden with Christ in God. I am in Christ and Christ is in me and we are in God. I am feeling pretty secure as my life is parked in that consummate God-fest.

I am loving this amazing writer named Paul. As I was reading Colossians 3 aloud yesterday, I was pretty blown-up by the prolific truth that He is speaking to us. We should actually read and think about this stuff.....alot.

I got to hang out with a small group last evening. They were amazing. I also ate some good bar-b-que with them. Yep, that was good. The fresh part of the evening was sitting with a couple that they are adopting who are headed toward Hondura's on mission. They are planning to take their 3 beautiful daughters and move to a different nation and to invest in amplifying the name of Christ in that nation. What is even more amazing is that they consider that to be 'rich' in the Kingdom economy. I want to count all loss, yet for the abounding greatness of knowing Christ and making Him known.

Last week, I traded e mails with my friend Justin, who is in Africa. He has been there for a few months and He is applying to be there for a few years. He considers that gain! Yeah!

Sus (my wife) said something to me last night that I've been thinking about all day. It went something like this..."I think that we will be amazed, at the end of life, how valuable Kingdom stuff will be and how invaluable much of what lure's us will be." I want to invest well. I really do.

Seeking first the Kingdom and trusting God with all the rest.

By Grace.... For Glory,
