Monday, November 14, 2011

We've moved...
Future blog posts will be on the EBC Bridge Worship Page

See you there!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It is incredible as a church leader to see people in your church follow their God-given passions and desires and seek to make a difference. One of our families in our church is so incredibly passionate about raising up a generation of young men to be Godly leaders and influencers. The Stapp family along with help from friends and family are producing a documentary based on Joe's creation of a 'Rite of Passage' for his sons. The footage has been shot and right now they are raising funds to have the film edited and produced. Check it out here...

Monday, October 03, 2011

If you missed this past Sunday's teaching, be sure and check it out @

"Don't trade the ultimate for the immediate."

As Christ-followers, we care called to live for a greater purpose than the immediate. Of course, the immediate, the right-now, is important...crucial. But, the truth is the ultimate should shape the right now.

The ultimate is this...Jesus Christ...His glory...His fame...His renown...His presence with us...

But sometimes, we just simply become short-sighted. We lose focus of that which is most beautiful, most worthy, and most satisfying.

Thankfully, our God is a God who pursues, loves, and offers grace. And when our eyes are fixed on Him, we begin to see the immediate, and all of its chaos and need, in light of the ultimate. Let us be a people who live in light of the ultimate...the glory of Jesus!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I am incredibly excited about some things that God is doing here at Emmanuel. Talking to one small group leader of students last night on the concourse, he shared how last night in their group, one of students accepted Christ. Awesome! Small groups for all ages are in full gear and this fall we have launched several new groups. In our Sunday morning worship encounters you can sense the Spirit moving as we have walked through our series Authority Issues and we have seen a bigger picture of an all-powerful God who is involved in every intricate detail of our lives. We have had many new families visiting, some new to Crestview, others coming on the arms of friends who are investing the Gospel into their lives.

God is at work! It is a joy to be on the journey as He leads.

If you have visited with us, we hope you found a place where people are sincere in their faith and expression of that faith. We hope you see that we are church that is serious about following Jesus and living passionately for His glory...all in response to the incredible love and grace He has shown us.

Our vision is simple...we exist to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ. We exist so that the name of Jesus would be known here in Crestview and around the world. We exist so broken people can experience the Savior who can make them whole. We exist so the broken family can be restored...the abused can be healed...the despairing can know hope...the 'religious' can be freed in relationship with that the nations will hear the saving name of Jesus...we exist for the glory of God!

God is working an incredible story through the people of Emmanuel. For those of you just checking things out we'd love to invite you on the journey. You can partner with us in making Jesus known. He is worth it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's time for fall kick-off! While the temperature outside isn't a good indication, summer is winding down, and fall is fast approaching. For Emmanuel, that means small groups are back on...small groups for adults, students, kids, and preschoolers! We believe in small groups. We believe that Scripture teaches us that we grow best when in real, authentic community. We believe that community happens best in a small group...we simply aren't meant to do some things alone...

If you are interested in getting connected into a small group, please email Kara, our small groups coordinator at kara@ebccrestview.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I am not the same. I'm a new creation.
I am not the same anymore.
I am not ashamed. I will not be shaken.
I am not the same anymore. Based on 2 Cor. 5:17

As we sang these lines in worship Sunday, I couldn't help but we get this? Do we really understand what we are singing? I mean, really, I certainly believe this to be true, but I think that honestly, this truth is so just kind of blows my mind.

We aren't just 'improved.'
We aren't just better versions or ourselves.
We aren't Meversion 2.0.

We are new...completely recreated. I am reminded of a song by Gungor called Beautiful Things. It simply says...You make beautiful things out of dust...You make beautiful things out of us.

Stop and thank God right now that He has made, is making, and continues to make you into something beautiful. We are indeed 'works in progress.' Revel and marvel in the goodness that is his love...that He knows everything about you, even the things no one else does...and He still offers grace. Worship Him because He is the one who sets us free from condemnation, guilt, and shame.

We have been rescued and are now new creations...called to declare His goodness and his glory. So let's give great chase to seeking Him, seeing Him, knowing Him, loving Him, and living for Him...all because He first loved us.

We aren't the let's live as new creations!

Monday, June 27, 2011

the past two weeks we've been journeying through a series called
'Hello, My Name is...________.' It has been a great examination of 1 Peter 2 and our identity in Christ.

A name says a lot. Have you ever called someone the wrong name? It's embarrassing because our names our so closely tied to our identities. how do you feel when someone calls you the wrong name? We may brush it off, but deep down we might feel a little offended. Why? Because names are personal.

Scripture gives several examples of God changing people's names after they had a life-altering encounter with Him. The same Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai, Sarah. Saul is miraculously transformed, and becomes known as Paul.

the same is true for us today. God changes names. No longer are we broken - outcast - failure - sinner...we are now whole - complete - saint - sons and daughters. That is our identity. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are new creations...not better versions of ourselves...we are NEW PEOPLE! That is mind-blowing.

These new names reflect our new identity in Him. The old has gone, and the new has come! So, how has God changed your name?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Yesterday was a sublime celebration of God's faithfulness as we worshiped Him greatly for what He has done in and through Emmanuel in the past 30 years. The truth is we will never know this side of eternity the eternal impact that the people of Emmanuel have had on this world. There are countless people who have come to saving faith in Christ. People here in Crestview and around the world have encountered the living God because of His people's desire to live passionately for His glory.

As we celebrate the past, we also look forward to the future. We anticipate what God has in store. We watch and wait expectantly with our eyes fixed on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, as He leads. Jesus didn't promise us that He would show the way. He boldly proclaimed: "I am the way." So with our eyes fixed, locked in on Him, we watch, we wait, we look, we walk step by step: hoping, trusting, abiding, and faithfully living our lives for the glory of the risen King.

This is the video we showed in worship the recaps the past and celebrates just a few of the incredible victories God has given.

30th Anniversary Video from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Haiti update!

Here is an update from Ryan Carter, part of the team of EBC folks serving this week in Haiti. Continue praying as they wrap their trip. Yesterday they distributed Bibles that were purchased with donations from EBC. Today they distributed food, and tomorrow they we be serving the boys and men there and showing Christ's love as they wash their feet. God has done, and is continuing to do some incredible things!

From Ryan:

What an amazing three days we’ve had!

We landed in Mole St. Nicolie on Sat afternoon and it has been non-stop action since then! We spent Sunday morning with the boys at the HumanCare school. We had church with them in the morning. Carl Anderson gave the sermon and did an amazing job – addressing how our faith in God not only helps us through difficult times but is also a witness to others who are watching. We spent several hours that afternoon playing sports with the boys and putting some primer on the walls inside the school. The boys weren’t sure what to make of us at first, but as soon as we broke out the Frisbees, footballs, and soccer balls, we connected quickly with them and really began to see the joy they all have.

Later that day we went to the orphanage in Mare Rouge to deliver the clothes many of you helped collects, sort, and pack. The kids were cautious of us at first, and very shy, so we left the clothes with the pastor to arrange and pass out. They finally started to show some excitement when we began to take their pictures. Many of them had probably never seen a picture of themselves and they cherished the opportunity to have their picture taken. I would like to say it was a joyful experience, but it was different; more somber. The need was overwhelming and we left feeling quite helpless despite our efforts. As I unpacked the clothes and shoes, many of which I recognized from my own children wearing them, the grief was literally overwhelming and I had to step away for several minutes to regain my composure. Many others felt the same way.

We spent today (Monday) with the boys at the school. We painted all day long, urging the young men to join us. They were so excited! The color is a wonderful addition to the concrete walls and all of the boys were covered in paint! We also moved a huge pile of blocks and started building the walls of the cookhouse. The Haitian carpenter didn’t show up, so we were on our own, and our guys rose the challenge and got it done. Thomas gave a short lesson on the importance of teamwork, especially as it relates to our walk with Christ, and then he and Jim led two sports clinics to teach the boys American Football. Later, they returned the favor by wearing us out with some Haitian Football (e.g. Soccer).

We are expecting several more days of painting, sports, teaching, and construction. The boys have really began to open up to us and we are all having a blast! We are staying with Edner and Rosena and they are taking excellent care of us. The food is so good that we may have even gained weight since we left, despite all the work!

We have experienced a ton of emotions and reactions to all we’ve seen and done. The poverty really is overwhelming. Even though some of us have seen it before, in Haiti it is even worse. In some places, there are no natural resources at all. The land is barren and even the rare farm animals are on the verge of starvation. We feel compelled to help and yet we don’t know where to start. Pray for us, and pray for the people in Haiti. We have done so much in such little time, but there is so much more to do!

Attached are two pictures. One of the boys painting at the school, and one of the children at the orphanage. We have many, many more to share when we get home.

God bless, Ryan

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

So much good is happening right now. It's insane. God is working.
We are seeing God change some people's lives. We are seeing people taking risks for Him. As Ian taught this past week...people are getting 'weird.' ...and that's a good thing!

Right now a team is on the ground in Haiti leading, teaching, loving, and serving a group of boys and men there. We are praying for great things.

Today our middle-schooler's return from Student Life Camp. We know of 4 that have surrendered their lives to Christ and trusted in Him as Savior! WOW!

Next week, we hit the streets and parks of our city in the name of Jesus taking VBS out in the community as we seek to build relationships and show people the love of Jesus.

This Saturday, a mom-daughter duo leave for Zambia to serve the world...and here is their story...

Untitled from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.

God is on the move...and we get join Him! It's a beautiful thing!

Monday, May 23, 2011

There is so much good, God-sized stuff happening around this place...and not just around this place, but in our city...and in the nations.

God continues to bring new families to Emmanuel. We are humbled and grateful that people are walking into the story of Jesus...and aligning their lives with our mission to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ.

Several of our small groups are finding unique ways to serve Crestview this summer. Across the board we have had an incredible response in our vision and desire to take our normal Vacation Bible School held on campus out into the community. We anticipate God moving in big ways through this.

This Friday, a group from EBC leaves to head to Haiti. We have supported them in many ways, and we will continue to support them in our prayers as they go. They go armed with clothes that you all have given to support the kids at the learning center they will be working at through Heart of the Bride.

This coming Sunday, you are going to here from one of our high school students, Rebecca Philips, and her mom Diane, as they share how God has led them to travel to Zambia in a couple of weeks to work amongst orphans and children....what a beautiful picture of God at work. case you missed it: Friday June 10th...Daraja Children's Choir is here! Contact the EBC office @ 682-9416 for tickets. Tickets are free, but reservations are required. This one worship event just might change your life!!!

Friends, this is just the iceberg when it comes to how God is moving. To top off your day...check out the Daraja Promo video...

Live for His in His grace!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If you're tracking with our 'ONE Challenge' then this week you've launched in to Deuteronomy. In his recap of Israel's journey out of Egypt, Moses reminds the Israelites of all that God had brought them through. Delivered from slavery, provision in the wilderness, defeat of enemies; God surely did the wild and miraculous.

7:6..."of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure." What did the Israelites do to deserve this status with God? The answer: nothing. God didn't choose them because they were deserving. He chose them because He is gracious.

Fast-forward to chapter 8. Moses tells the Israelites to always remember where they came from and who delivered them. v 14: "Don't become proud at that time [when you prosper] and forge the Lord your God who rescued you from slavery and brought you out of Egypt." Moses is telling everyone...'Hey! Great things are going to happen...your going to have stuff...your flocks are going to grow...your houses will be nice...and don't forget it isn't because of anything you have done. It is because of our God!"

I think this passage is so applicable to us right now. What do we have that didn't first come from Him? I know that I am so tempted to think when something good happens that I must have done something right to earn it. I'm smart enough, talented enough, __(Fill in the blank)__ enough.

But I'm not. I need His grace. I need to remember just how much I need His grace...His 'unexpected grace.' So today...let's just remember.

Romans 11:36 "For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever!"

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Video from worship this past Sunday...along with the song we sang while it played...

Unexpected Grace from EBC Crestview on Vimeo.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Unexpected Grace. This title might sound a little redundant because by definition grace is getting something you don't deserve, but we can often find grace in the places and ordeals of life where we least suspect to find it.

Like Jonah.

Most people are familiar with the main idea of the story of Jonah. Prophet of God...runs...big fish...three days...Nineveh...he finally obeys.

In chapter 1 you find Jonah running from God. You might have heard it taught something like this: Jonah was a prophet of God who disobeyed God, so God sent a storm and a big fish to swallow up Jonah. So the moral of the story is you better obey God or He might send a big fish (metaphor for some hard circumstance) to swallow you up. We shake our heads and say, 'Oh Jonah!...You should have known!'

But what if there is more to the story. What if this isn't the point of Jonah's story at all. What if the point is this: God is unveiling and revealing His grace as He relentlessly pursues Jonah's heart.

The truth is this. God didn't need Jonah. When Jonah chose to run away, God could have let him go and raised another prophet to go to Nineveh.

But He didn't.

Rather, by His grace He set out to deliver Jonah, to rescue Jonah, and to show Jonah His heart. What if, as Tullian Tchividjian writes, the storm and the fish were really measures of God's grace as He relentlessly chased Jonah to rescue Jonah from Jonah?

That's where we are headed in the coming weeks.

Unexpected Grace.

It's a good thing.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Yesterday was an awesome ebc day. We are seeing people respond to 'The Invitation' in many unique ways. Responding begins with the knowledge and faith that Jesus is IT. He is we sang yesterday, that He is 'All to us.' If we can wrap our minds around that truth; that He really is sufficient in all things, our perspective on everything will change.

Our prayer is this: that we as a church, as a people, would be so in awe of who God is, so in love with Him, so astounded by His grace, so transformed by His mercy, that His life, love, and grace would just flow out of us! That journey begins by saying 'yes' to His invitation.

Some cool things about yesterday:

- great and challenging teaching - "saying 'yes' to God means surrendering our lives to Him, so that we can step into the LIFE He has in store for us."

- worship through music was smokin'... people responding to His greatness, goodness, and grace "Day after Day...our God is reigning!"

- an incredible group at Starting Point last night...13 different people all sharing how they believed God was leading them to join the move of God at EBC. Holy-moley God is good!

- we have a team in Daytona 'serving the world' in partnership with a church there during Bike Week...pray for God-sized things to happen!

- great things happening in small groups all the way around...God is leading our groups in big ways to know Him, love Him, and serve Him..both adults and students!

- a huge shout out to our incredible preschool and kids workers am and pm! Yesterday am in 'The Zone' we had parents attending worship with their kids for Family Worship Day. It is awesome to see parents and kids engaged in worship together...and parents who are serious about leading their kids to know Jesus. Our Sunday night kid's volunteers are uh-mazing!!!

- 'One Challenge' is rocking some people's worlds. How is it rocking yours?

- Yesterday we were all challenged to pray through and seek god as to how he might be leading us to 'be the church.' Ask God to show you how He is inviting you to join Him at work.

Have a beautiful week loving and being loved by God...journey on!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Yesterday was great on so many levels. I love Sunday's at EBC

- God moved powerfully in so many ways in all three worship services. It is so rich to see people respond to Him.

- Great truth presented yesterday in our series 'The Invitation.' It's about surrendering to Christ what you have...and He can do a lot with just a little. The miracle is that He invites us to join Him at work!

- We continue to have new families join us each and every week. Have you met someone new at church recently? If not, then strike up a conversation with someone this next week. God is leading people to join the mission of Emmanuel!

- Our small group leaders had an incredible meeting yesterday morning. This is a group of people who are so committed to seeing people love Jesus. Our small group leaders have such a hunger and desire for people to connect in community and know Christ. Our small group leaders are the best!

- What a powerful testimony about giving from Philip and Melissa Chapman in worship. God is faithful..."all of my life in every season...You are still God...I have a reason to sing...I have a reason to worship."

- We have some incredible volunteers who teach and love our preschoolers and our kids on Sunday mornings and nights....week in and week out. This is so obvious when you see our kids coming out of their classes and small groups beaming!

- We've got some really great ways that our small groups are 'serving the world.' You'll be hearing more about this in the near future.

All this to say...God is moving...and doing great things. He is at work...and He is inviting us to join Him. Will you accept His invitation?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Healing is in Your Hands...

I continue to be amazed at the move of God. We just keep hearing great-God stories of how He is working and what He is doing. This past Sunday's worship was just a sweet reminder of His power, His provision, His purpose, His grace, and His unfailing love.

As we were singing the lyrics 'How High/How wide/No matter where I am healing is in Your hands," I just couldn't help but feel the overwhelming presence of Christ, and the perfect peace that comes from His presence.

You may not know this but the worship team was actually struggling with that song Sunday...not the music aspect...but with the emotions that can be wrapped up in a song. Betsey (who was singing the lead on the song) and her husband are soon to be moving away. Betsey and Andy have been so interwoven in to the fabric of EBC for the past ten years. Small group leaders, worship team members, awana leaders, family, prayer warriors, and just good friends to so many. But God is moving them to another city in His sovereign time and sovereign plan.

When I say the worship team was struggling, I don't mean musically, or that there was some strife...I mean we were just all a little emotional. We barely made it through in practice, but God's grace is sufficient. I think by the time the 9:30 service rolled around, everyone was so saturated with the peace of the Spirit's presence (that and our tech team was in the back making funny faces at us so we would laugh!).

I know for me as we led that song, I could hear His voice saying, I am sovereign. I am in control. I love You. I love this church. I love my people. Lead them to me. I am what they need.

I guess the bottom line is this: this past Sunday, God just overwhelmed the worship team and I think the whole church with a great picture of this truth. We are HIS! Part of being His is surrendering to His plans, His purposes, His timing, and trusting that His plans, His purposes, and His timing, are ALWAYS good, ALWAYS perfect and ALWAYS better than any thought we can ever muster.

Aren't you glad you have a God like that?! That is the truth of Psalm 27 we have been unpacking over the past few weeks. He is our Light and Salvation. Whom shall we fear?! He hears us. He knows us. He loves us. Let's rest in that.

So we don't so farewell to friends...we say, God is in charge, and right now, He has kingdom purposes for you somewhere else. We exist to ignite and inspire a passion for Jesus Christ, 'no matter where we are' because healing is in His hands.

Every moment :: Every breath :: Everything...for His glory.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Come ready for worship tomorrow...
We will be hanging in Psalm 27, specifically verses 7-10...our God is the Father to the fatherless, and He calls us into a relationship of love..

Songs for worship (original artist in () so you can check them out on itunes or youtube)
Faithful - (Kristian Stanfill)
Desert Song - (Brooke Fraser/Hillsong)
Psalm 62 - (Aaron Keyes)
Healing is in Your Hands - (Christy Nockels/Passion)
Forever Changed - (Eddie Kirdland)
All We Need - (Charlie Hall)

Looking forward to worshiping with you...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, we dove a little deeper into Psalm 27, particularly verses 5-6.

The promises God gives us in these verses are incredible truths we must cling to. He is the one who fights on our behalf. He is the one who defends, hides us, and lift us up. He is God at all times and in all circumstances.

Something that I think was profound for many was tackling something we've all heard and many have said: "God will never give us more than we can handle." We talked about how this just isn't's no in the Bible. His Word says He won't let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and He always provides an escape from temptation. Yet, His Word doesn't promise escape from circumstances, from trials, or pain. In fact, you could say, His Word in many ways promises these things.

But here is the truth and the good thing about it all...that in trials, we get more of Him! We need circumstances bigger than us, because we need a God who is bigger than us. God doesn't always remove hardship (though sometimes He does). He always gives us more of Himself when we seek Him (27:4). He is our treasure and reward.

Let's walk in the light of that truth this week and cling to His promise.

Here is a great reminder of who He is from Psalm 86:

Monday, January 10, 2011

This was a weekend of some huge wins and great God-sized stuff at EBC!

Our college students returned from Passion with an increased hunger for God, His Word, His Name, and His renown.

Our small group leaders had a leader training Saturday and spent intentional time praying over our groups and asking God to move in our small groups this semester.

Yesterday's worship encounter was simply an astounding move of God. Jesus' Name was lifted high as we journeyed through Psalm 27.

Last night, we had tons of people getting connected in small groups. There were a lot of new faces and folks getting plugged in to a groups for the first time.

God is moving!

Yesterday we shared a video testimony in worship of the transforming power of Christ as He works in community. Check out Chelsey's story. If you aren't plugged in to a small group and get connected. There is no way to describe what God can do in the the community of a small group!