Monday, August 16, 2010

This weekend was wildly...insanely good!

Saturday night over 150 leaders were gathered for a night of appreciation, training, prayer, worship, and a whole lot of laughter! Unleashed was a wild success...mainly because the people it was for...the leaders of EBC are a wildly, insanely awesome people!

Yesterday morning's worship was so sweet. 'A mighty fortress is our God...a sacred refuge is Your name!' the kingdom of God isn't some far-off, will happen later, kind of kingdom. It is the kingdom of 'now and not-yet.' We are called to be a part of that kingdom and to proclaim that kingdom right now!

Last night, my wife and I walked onto campus to pick up our kids after group connect/small groups to the most beautiful sight. On the concourse (that's the place between all three buildings in case you didn't' know) there were people everywhere. Kids were running. Grown-ups were laughing and talking. Students were hanging out. What a beautiful picture of the church...God's people connecting and pursing authentic biblical of our core values! It was so good to hang out during Group Connect and see people finding a small group...and seeing new small groups form!

God is on the move here at EBC! He is calling and leading, and we will run hard after Him!